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I have written before about the need for Democrats to come up with a Plan for countering Donald Trump and for winning the election in 2020.  Instead, the Party (and the media like MSNBC) seems stuck with reacting to the agenda that Trump is setting for them.  Democrats are busy reacting to:
·      the aggressiveness of Iran toward the US because of multiple incidents (from both sides)
·      Trump attacks on the four Congresswomen of “the Squad” and his attempt to make them and their left-oriented democratic socialism the face of the Dem Party
·      similar attacks on Elijah Cummings (D-MD), chair of the House Judiciary Committee who vociferously questioned Trump’s appointment; and against The Rev. Al Sharpton, national civil rights leader and commentator on MSNBC    
·      Robert Mueller’s testimony and the need to have the essence of his report come from him direct to the public; it is predictable that the Mueller hearing will do little, if anything, to change the minds of voters about Trump’s behavior or about impeachment
·      the subject of impeachment (or no impeachment) -- the Dem’s delay and their disagreements regarding opening an impeachment inquiry are damaging to their supposed assertiveness and voter mandates.

Except perhaps for the 100+ former Obama administration African American members who expressed their outrage in a Washington Post Op-Ed, the Democratic Party under cautious leadership is following a strategy that is not aggressively pro-active, is not progressive, is not futuristic, and is certainly not designed for the current situation in which a so-called President acts like a Fuhrer who scoffs at the law, the Constitution; at legislators and democratic values and institutions. 

Democrats have fallen back into Party politics, protecting its new majority in the House, rather than doing deep dives into what is necessary to set this government on a course of serving the needs of ordinary people rather than the enrichment of the rich and powerful.

Meanwhile, Trump continues very pointed racist attacks against people of color.
“ANOTHER VICTIM OF TRUMP'S AMERICA: six-year-old Steven Romero, who was killed by a WHITE SUPREMACIST TERRORIST (recently) at a garlic festival in California. Romero was at the festival with his mother, who was also shot and… treated at a hospital. Two others were killed and 11 were injured. The shooter promoted a WHITE SUPREMACIST book in an Instagram post minutes before the shooting. He also posted a complaint about "mestizos" before the attack. Mestizos are mixed race Hispanic-Americans. This is what Trump has unleashed on America. 2020 can't come soon enough.” (Occupy Democrats on Facebook)

Trump’s aim seems clear:  he is targeting racial and ethnic minorities to emphasize the importance to his base of (white) nationalism, and the absolute need for that white base to turn out to vote overwhelmingly for him in 2020, lest they lose control of government policies and functions.   In fact, everything he does now is aimed at that base and at the 2020 election.
What do I think Democrats need to do to assure that Trump and his puppets in the Senate are defeated and that our government acts in the interest of equal opportunity, equal justice for all, and for the freedoms guaranteed by our Constitution?  Here are some thoughts for your consideration.

1)     An impeachment trial is not going to find this President guilty of high crimes because the Republican Senate will not vote to impeach on the charges, no matter what they are, plus, the public is not in favor of it.  So, the House should continue its inquiries and investigations into Trump behaviors but should use other means to censure his abuses of power.  I have written before of this and believe censure resolutions and court interventions are necessary for building support for impeachment charges formulated in the House, at the same time using those alternative methods of censure to educate the Public.
2)     Make clear the threat(s) that Trump represents, and make that case to those poor white voters whose vote for Trump will seal their fate
3)     The figures are against the Dem Party as far as winning the presidency; they may win the popular vote, but the Electoral College favors a Trump win, unless the DNC and progressive groups target critical districts with a ground-game that delivers new voters and former non- voters; with special emphasis on the Party base: suburban women, women of color, young people and college youth ages (17-)18-25.
4)     Democrats must defeat Donald Trump and must also win a majority in the Senate.  Anything less will freeze the government in place and prevent any progressive reform.  It is therefore imperative that Democrats continue unabated in illustrating and promoting the destructive nature of both Trumpian ideology and attempts to “de-construct” democratic government.  A major part of this must be the continued emphasis on the Trump administration’s neglect of the cyber threats from foreign powers to interfere with and to disrupt our elections and governmental functions.
There must be an understanding that every Senate race is not just a state election.  Present circumstances make every Senate race a national election, meaning every Democrat who can, needs to support Democrat candidates in multiple states, not just one’s own state.  So, start picking Senate races that need your help, no matter where they may be!

5)     Build a common pragmatic and hopeful message:
a.      Armed with this message, Democrats can propose an inclusive economic program that widens prosperity and opportunity. That includes empowering families, kids and young people by investing in universal health care; infrastructure; affordable housing; paid family and sick leave; day care; early childhood education; better public schools; affordable college; student debt relief; and vocational education and retraining. Our veterans deserve more support; our seniors a secure retirement. Rural America must be linked to our prosperity through broadband connectivity; better highways and rail lines; economic development geared to the new economy; and programs to combat opioid addiction (based on ‘How Democrats Can Win in 2020’ Huffpost.com)
b.       And, future generations need us to do the urgent work of combating climate change ― beginning right now.

6)     Democrats must also make some deep dives to offer changes to some foundational negatives that continue to be used by those who wish to control our democracy and our economy.  Examples:
a.      what is lowering the rate of home ownership among African Americans? We need to find the cause and act to distinguish it
b.      why do we continue to talk about “automatic voter registration” when what is needed is “universal automatic voter enrollment” that does not depend on personal initiative to register at a proper age?  Voting is an inalienable right that should never be restricted by a registration process, just as one is not required to register in order to use free speech or to have a free press or to present a grievance against one’s government. (see my Blog of June 17, 2019 for details)
c.      how can we continue allowing tech giants like Facebook, Google, Amazon, etc. to collect private information on consumers – their personal data and preferences – when our Constitution emphasizes the absolute right of people to protect their privacy?  All collection of personal information should be restricted and barred unless consumers give their permission to collect and use that data in certain ways chosen from a menu of choices; such permission always able to be rescinded? HIPPA is a clear example of how personal (health care) information should be handled; why can’t similar guidelines and restrictions be applied to personal consumer data?
d.      what can be done to prepare for a future when jobs will be scarce and artificial intelligence will have replaced so many functions that unemployment will rise to unexpected levels (like 30-40%) and a “job” may not be what defines us? Will something significant like national service (or possibly a minimum government salary) be what fills that ‘void’? (see my Blog on National Service – 2/8/2016)
e.      Why do we continue to support public education with property taxes only, giving homeowners the major access to decisions about what happens in every school district?  Should we have an Education Trust Fund (like the Social Security Trust Fund) to which all can contribute to some degree, especially corporations?
f.       Why not add recall election as another choice short of impeachment when voters wish to reject officeholders for their corruption, abuse of power or high crimes and misdemeanors? 
g.      Begin to change prison sentences based on years of incarceration/punishment to compensation of loss as basis of sentencing. In other words, sentence non-violent and some violent criminals to compensating victims and/or society for their crimes by means of labor, community service, building homes, training service animals, supporting community development/action programs, etc.  Paying back and paying forward become the aims instead of incarceration and “doing the time.”  Rehabilitation is not a direct aim, but perhaps a by-product that depends upon the individuals.
h.      Increase Funding for Mental Illness Research (see my next planned Blog post)
i.        And don’t forget - considering the 3 mass shootings within one week, that we must begin to treat guns as potentially lethal products that must be treated just as automobiles are treated (please see my Blog of 3/11 and 3/14/2018)

It’s time to stop the foolishness of the Democrat’s Second Debate from Detroit. Obama’s record is not the major concern.  Biden’s long record is not the main concern, even if he went astray from progressive ideals.  Medicare-for-all is one of many major concerns, but how we get there is a matter of strategy and planning that should be agreed upon before we discuss and debate it.  Has anyone taken the time to research the steps and time involved to implement Social Security and Medicare?  Neither came to fruition overnight in a one-size-fits-all format!    

We must focus on the two main concerns: winning the White House and winning a majority in the Senate.  That is what matters.  If Democrats want to attack anyone – attack Donald Trump – at every opportunity.  Attack Republican puppets who have put Trump and Party over the welfare of the nation and its people.  Then tout how Democratic plans, programs and processes will make our lives better, more secure, and healthier.  Talk about detailed plans in the context of what is holding us back, putting obstacles in the way and de-constructing democratic values and institutions.  Dig Deep and offer the People pragmatic solutions to foundational core problems.  Don’t apologize for ideals or values, make them shine in the context of just how proposed changes will affect the daily lives of our People.   

Let’s have more discussion among qualified candidates before the next debates about how to approach each other in a unified manner around these two necessities.  Acknowledge disagreements in details (in fact, display them for all to see), but stress unity in attacking Trumpism, so that we can let the People know that the Democratic candidates are united in their quest to rescue the planet, enlarge affordable health care to all,  unite within our diversity for the good of all, present new opportunities in a revived economy based on democratic capitalism, not on a plutocratic capitalism known as “welfare for the richest among us.”  Let us offer reform of processes that now favor the wealthy, like elections, the Electoral College, lobbying, how education is paid for and how voters voices get heard and dealt with.

This is not the time to quibble, to argue, to attack other Democrats, or to try to explain details that no one wants to hear.

 Dig DeepGo BigAgree to Disagree – and SHOW the People how things could be with Democrats at the helm. 

“SHOW” means to demonstrate or to illustrate with pictures, videos, visual presentations -- even documentaries -- what life can look like when progressive ideas are the base on which we will act.  TV and Social Media are meant to SHOW results and outcomes, not just to talk!  Stop living in the PAST; come into the PRESENT and demonstrate the FUTURE.