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Are YOU being BAMBOOZLED, dear Reader? You are if you believe anything coming from the mouth or tweets of Donald J. Trump or from any of his Corporate Socialist Party most often referred to as the ‘Republican Party’.  After all, the BIG LIE is their stock-in-trade and tax money stolen from the working classes their brand of socialism! 

For instance, let’s look at the recent Trumpian attempt to scare you into believing that four congresswomen of color, known as the “Squad,” hate this country and that they threaten us with “socialism” (whatever that means – my guess is he doesn’t know its true meaning)!

  • As reported on Business Insider website: “… Donald Trump tweeted about the "'Progressive' Democrat Congresswomen" Sunday morning, asking them to "go back" to their "corrupt" and "broken and crime infested" countries before "telling the people of the United States [...] how our government is to be run."
  • Trump also tweeted that he was "sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements," making himself appear to be siding with Speaker Pelosi in the reported  infighting that has escalated between her and the four freshman congresswomen nicknamed the "Squad."
  • Squad members include Democratic Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts, and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan. Only Ilhan Omar was born outside the United States (Somalia) and she has been a (naturalized) US citizen for longer than Melania Trump!
It is more than amazing that Donald Trump is unaware of the revolutionary nature of the origin of our country.  Without revolutionary fervor against the tyranny of King George III of Great Britain, it can fairly be said that we might not have the independence or the foundational principles of our form of government.

It is not "un-American" to protest and criticize our government when it does not function properly or does not maintain our democratic values.  Watchfulness, awareness, involvement, criticism and protest are built into the very essence of our form of government, and of maintaining our freedoms.  It is our responsibility to be critics (even rebels) when the government fails, defaults, neglects its duty, falls short of constitutional principles, or attempts to negate democratic values. 
Peaceful Grievance and Protest are therefore not un-American; they are part and parcel of what it means to be grateful for what we have.  In fact, they are forms of celebration of our duty to protect our Constitution and our government.
The very first Amendment to the Constitution recognizes the freedoms that must prevail to assure the survival of this democratic Republic.  One of those freedoms is the “right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.” 

Moreover, the people have an obligation/duty/responsibility to employ their primary right to protest abusive, obstructive, destructive, divisive, tyrannical and unequal or unjust policies and processes whenever those in authority use such negative tools to challenge the principles and aims of our Constitution.
Perhaps, the most damaging misunderstanding about our government is the idea that it is an entity that exists outside our purview and our daily existence; an entity that belongs to our elected representatives and those appointed or hired to implement legislation having to do with policies, laws and regulations.  WRONG!

We the PEOPLE are the authors of this government; it is our government – we approved it, we own it, and we maintain it.  In case you have not reviewed the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution lately, here is what it says:

WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union,  provide for the common defence (sic), promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

In a short essay on “Why We Revere the Constitution,” the late Warren E. Burger, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court from 1969-1986, presented some major features of that document for our consideration.  Here is his summary of one of them:

“First, the Constitution represented not a grant of power from rulers to the people ruled…but a grant of power by the people to a government which they had created.  No other national government before that time was based upon such a concept.  Until then, monarchs (and dictators/emperors) had ruled by divine right and their subjects had only those privileges which their rulers sought fit to bestow upon them.”

Let us be mindful, then, of the very fundamental right of congresswomen Omar, Ocasio-Cortez, Pressley and Tlaib to speak and act as they have in keeping with the fundamentals of our Constitution – they have the right to defend the Constitution as they see it and to speak out in protest when they, or their constituents, have grievances against their own government.

Donald Trump is not the sole owner or arbitrator of what our Constitution says or requires.  He has no right to suggest to any citizen of this nation that they should return to their country of origin because they choose to criticize peaceably what they perceive to be faulty, neglectful and abusive administration of the people’s Constitution.

The title “Commander-in-chief” does not bestow upon Trump the mantle of perfection or absolute power in all things; it only indicates another responsibility of the presidency regarding the ‘common defense.’  It does not bestow upon him the right to ‘command’ or to ‘dictate’ what can and cannot be done by elected representatives carrying out their functions as legislators and as overseers of the Executive branch of our government. In fact, his words and actions mirror tyrannical behavior that must be condemned and resisted. 
Burger concluded his brief essay with these words, which should be heeded by every owner of the Constitution, especially by the current president.

“The Constitution was indeed a watershed in the history of governments and, more important, in humanity’s struggle for freedom and fulfillment.  It behooves all of us to read it, understand it, revere it, and vigorously defend it.”

So, what are the utterances and actions of the “Squad” of congresswomen named above?  Here’s what I have found so far:

1.      They re-dedicated their efforts to their campaign to defund the Department of Homeland Security until it ceases its family separation policies, ends its use of for-profit private detention centers and reunites the thousands of children separated from their families while seeking asylum at the border. (WashingtonPress.com)

A.     even the courts agree with this protest in having  ordered the Trump administration to protect children and to re-unite families at the southern border
B.     our government has no right to spend our tax dollars, or to act in our name to frighten and discourage asylum-seekers protected by international law
C.     Trump approves child abuse as a scare tactic – it is a crime and the Squad should persist in their protest

2.      These progressive congresswomen have vowed to vote against allocating any more money to the Department of Homeland Security and its immigration goon squad ICE.
A.    last I knew, the House has the sole responsibility for initiating appropriation legislation; this assessment is in line with that constitutional responsibility
B.    ICE is a subsidiary part of DHS, and Congress has oversight responsibility for all departments and offices of the Executive branch; the congresswomen are doing their jobs
C.   their conclusion that ICE is out-of-line in terms of policing undocumented immigrants is their prerogative; legislation to bring about reform of that department is also their responsibility

3.      The charge from Trump is that the progressive congresswomen have ‘bad-mouthed’ our nation, but he offers only papers filled with what he says are negative, filthy statements without revealing anything said by them. 
A.      typical Trump tactic to make-up charges out of whole cloth
B.      he lies all the time;  rarely has credible documentation to back his assertions

4.      Congresswoman Omar in particular, has seemed to say things that are anti-Semitic; at least that is the way that Trump and Republicans would like you to think, but even fellow Democrats criticized her choice of terms.  (Here is an article that explains all of it in some depth: https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/3/6/18251639/ilhan-omar-israel-anti-semitism-jews)
A.  Omar has been concerned about intense lobbying on behalf of Israel, a foreign power; she continues in that concern which has broadened into the negative effects of lobbying in general
B.   she has apologized for any rhetoric she used that may have been offensive to others; too bad Trump doesn’t follow up with his own apology for the racist remarks he made
C.   as with several foreign countries, such as Russia and China, we are being attacked in several ways: cyber-attacks, stealing of secrets and inventions or innovative ideas; false postings in cyber space, and, interference in our elections
D.   Congresswoman Omar is right in calling out the negative effects of allowing lobbying (or interference) on behalf of foreign powers; our Constitution points toward condemning interference from foreign powers: no emoluments, no acceptance of foreign titles, no giving of aid or comfort; regulated Trade
E.    thanks to the “Squad” for focusing on interference from other countries; too bad Trump continues to ignore the Russian interference in 2016 and the continuing threat and behaviors of his Russian comrades (and others)!

Trump has lowered the political and moral bar again and gotten personal over issues about our country’s policies and processes.  In the 2016 campaign it was Trump who consistently ran-down our country, calling it ‘third-world” a ‘mess’ and other negative words and images. Now, when four congresswomen criticize government failings and flaws in his administration, he reacts as though they should leave this country and go back to where they came from.

Since they are all citizens of this nation, they should stay right where they are and continue their aggressive progressive stances.  Meanwhile, let us fully acknowledge that Trump deserved the House’s resolution censuring his racist remarks.

It should surprise no one that all of Trump’s words and actions from here on will be intimately related to the general election of 2020, and to the debates that will lead up to that contest.  He is engaged now in making the “socialists” of the “Squad” the face of the Democratic Party.  Minority Leader, Rep. Kevin McCarthy made it plain just recently that this is all about socialism, and that latter word, along with the charge of Democrats “hating this country” will be Trump’s constant message to his base right up to November of next year.
It is my contention that progressive Democrats everywhere need to take a more aggressive approach to the con-man lawbreaker in the White House.  We should also borrow his own rhetoric to condemn him.  Here are five steps for action that might change the narrative, with the caveat that even better options must be available out there.

1)     At least 3 days-a-week, every week from now (or from January) until Nov. 2020, progressive groups should plan to protest in front of the White House, the DOJ, and the Supreme Court (or District Court – and perhaps replicated across the country at strategic locales) with signs depicting Trump behind bars; with bold letters saying one thing:  LOCK HIM UP!   Smaller strips of letters could enumerate charges related to his crimes, such as “Kidnapping”; “Child Abuse”; “Money Laundering”; “Aid & Comfort to Russia” and on and on and on! (see examples below)

2)     If the House can pass a censure resolution about Trump’s racist remarks, why not a series of censure resolutions that spell out impeachable offenses that could be made into charges for impeachment, while also providing specifics to educate the public on each of the charges (censures)?

3)     It’s time to confront this dolt where he lives: in the marketplace.  Protests in front of his buildings and resorts; nation-wide sign-up of businesses, groups and organizations to pledge themselves (and to encourage others) to boycott all of his businesses until he puts all of his assets in a completely blind trust OR resigns from the presidency; perhaps a nation-wide petition to demand his resignation would also be appropriate

4)     Go after him for reimbursement of tax payer money spent enabling him to  profit from his businesses; tax money spent by his appointees on private accommodations, meetings and amenities; tax payer money paid to his children; tax payer money spent in any way that was not authorized directly by the Congress.

5)     Start impeachment proceedings as soon after Labor Day as possible