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 What is that? a refuge for radical white supremacist congressmen and women? It certainly is not about to become a generator for societal advancement and well-being.

Does Rep. Greene understand what she is talking about? Does she have any in-depth understanding of “Anglo-Saxon” history or tradition? Doubtful. Truth be told, many Anglo-Saxon traditions are generally not good models for a democracy.

Anglo-Saxons constitute one category of settlers of England – a cultural amalgam of two or more tribes or subgroups who probably shared some characteristics and background, perhaps something like an association of cousins. Let’s look a little closer at other accounts (Wikipedia, Encyclopedia Britannica, and other sites of historical research)

The original homeland of both the Angles and the Saxons was Germanic.  “The most likely historical homeland of the Angles is considered to be the terrain on the small peninsula Angelne (part of the Jutland peninsula ), which is in the northeast of the modern German federal state of Schleswig-Holstein.

“In the era of the Great Migration of Peoples, beginning in the 3rd century and most intensely in the middle of the 5th century (440 AD), the Angles, together with the neighboring Germanic tribes of the Saxons, Utes, and Frisians, moved to Britain, inhabited at that time mostly by Christianized-by-Rome Celtic tribes. By exterminating the local population and fighting with the Saxons and the Utes, the Angles created three kingdoms there: the northern Angles of Northumbria , the middle Angles of Mercia, and East Anglia. In the VII -X centuries of our era, the Angles and Saxons merged into a single ethnos — the Anglo-Saxons , which served as the ethnic basis for the modern English nation.”

Encyclopedia Britannica goes a bit further: “Anglo-Saxon, a term used historically to describe any member of the Germanic peoples who, from the 5th century CE to the time of the Norman Conquest (1066), inhabited and ruled territories that are today part of England and Wales.” Moreover, “According to St. Bede the Venerable, the Anglo-Saxons were the descendants of three different Germanic peoples—the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes.

By Bede’s account, those peoples originally migrated from northern Germany to the island of Britain in the 5th century at the invitation of Vertigern, a ruler of Britons, to help defend his kingdom against marauding invasions by the Picts and Scotti, who occupied what is now Scotland. Their subsequent settlements in what is now England laid the foundation for the later kingdoms of Essex, Sussex, and Wessex (Saxons); East Anglia, Middle Anglia, Mercia, and Northumbria (Angles); and Kent (Jutes). Ethnically, the Anglo-Saxons actually represented an admixture of Germanic peoples with Britain’s preexisting Celtic inhabitants and subsequent Viking and Danish invaders.”

The peoples of each of the various Anglo-Saxon kingdoms spoke distinctive dialects, which evolved over time and together became known as Old English. Within that variety of dialects, an exceptionally rich vernacular literature emerged. Examples include the masterful epic poem Beowulf and the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, a collection of manuscripts that cover events in the early history of England.”

(The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica. This article was most recently revised and updated by Adam Augustyn, Managing Editor, Reference Content.)

A few conclusions might be drawn from this history that may be overlooked by Ms. Greene (and any others who might join this proposed Caucus).

1) The Angles, Jutes and Saxons were Germanic in origin, culture and concepts

2) They came to England most probably as invitees from a leader of the Britons who needed some help defending his realm or land and his position

3) The people invited to perform this task decided that Vertigern’s lands and venue were attractive and fertile enough to promise a future for them

4) They revolted against their leader and ‘neighbors’ and invaded and captured land from the inhabitants

5) Something also learned is that these Germanic folks had a background of law and rules a bit different from those of more native origin like the Celts and Britons. We also learn up to the subordination and conversion to Christianity by Charlemagne, the continental Saxons retained their ancient tribal statutes and did not have a king, and all-important issues were decided at the annual meeting of tribal elders. The dukes (military leaders) took over the leadership of the people only during military conflicts.

6) In the Roman sources, starting from the 3rd century, there are complaints of sea robbery and piracy by the Saxons. Some accounts also record rivalries and tribal discords that led to fierce fights and stealing of land from each other. There is mention of a barbarian nature, but this could be more name-calling than fact, although it is surmised that the Saxon name came not from an area but from a blade carried by the Saxons called a ‘sax.'

In the period from the 3rd to the 5th century, part of the Saxons, along with the Angles and Utes, moved to the southern part of the island of Britain . Due to the forceful seizure of land and merger with the Angles, they became a community of Anglo-Saxons, which became politically and linguistically dominant in England.  The language of the Saxons became the basis of the Anglo-Saxon language, from which modern English developed.  The current generic name of the country – England – comes from the name of a tribe of Angles , and the names of such territories as Wessex (“West-Saxons”), Essex (“East-Saxons”), Sussex (“South-Saxons”) and Middlesex indicate their descent from the Saxon settlers.

Through a mix of Danish attacks, Viking raids, and internal fighting the Anglo-Saxons became weak. These situations combined to allow Cnut, the son of Aethelred, to become king of both Denmark and England in 1019. Eventually the Norwegians begin to war with the English due to disputes over land and rights to rule which ultimately culminated in the landing of William of Normandy in Pevensy in 1066. With William's ascension to the throne of England many things changed including political and social structures.

It might certainly help to know which “traditional Anglo-Saxon” behaviors and policies are going to be followed and promoted by this group of America First advocates and their Caucus.  Would it be:

1) That early betrayal of a promise they made to defend a regional Briton leader’s land against marauders and robbers? stealing the very property you Would that be like legislation that promises tax cuts for all and then turns out to be raising the taxes of one group to pay for lowering the taxes of others?  Would it come down to legislators stealing the very propety or right they had vowed to protect and secure? Is that among the dirty tricks we can expect from this new group – betrayal and robbery?

2) Or perhaps the Anglo-Saxon tradition being so passionately defended is related to the possible origin of the word Saxon. Their name may have had its origins in the tradition of Saxons carrying a bladed weapon –called a ‘sax’ --with them most everywhere they went. Sounds like a very familiar way of “Putting America First” – by the ignominious tradition of owning more guns than any other country and using them for violent confrontation and harm to others every single day of the week.

3) Maybe it is their tradition of brawling and fighting between and within tribal groups both foreign and domestic. That barbarism did not go unnoticed in some of the earliest records. Perhaps the divisive rhetoric and behavior of this new Caucus can be another way to Put America First in the category of barbarism and war and conflict? Wonderful…

4) If that doesn’t do it, perhaps the Caucus could manage to lessen the voice of the people to a lower level than it already has, following the example of the early Saxons who generally held an annual meeting to voice concerns to their leader – an eoarl or elder – who basically could choose who got to talk, and who didn’t. Moreover, he could choose how to respond. Maybe the Caucus will propose a Town Hall meeting once a year to replace that bothersome balloting that is so fraudulent! Of course, one has to wonder just who would receive invitations to attend?

5) PLEASE -- Don’t tell me the new Caucus is planning to follow the Anglo-Saxon tradition of acquiescence to foreign powers like the Danes and their Danelaw that basically negated some of the important A-S family and community relationships and established an aristocracy that called all the shots? That would be in who’s best interest, did you say?

6) Let’s See – what else is in the A-S tradition? You may like this one especially:

How about over-expansion of the military and local policing until the people feel over-taxed and put upon by local thugs and unwanted violators of common decency and decorum?

7) Then there is always that Norman thing the Anglo-Saxon folks bought into that established an elite with special titles, privileges, rewards, and status. That could certainly put America First among democracies. Oh, I forgot, we’re already most of the way there with discriminatory tax cuts and special privileges like private schools designed to educate the “crème de la crème,” plus making deluxe health care available only to the elite.

8) Or, just maybe, we will be treated to that tradition acquired by the Anglo-Saxon crowd during their ascendancy—something resurrected from their past– that they were a kind of “chosen people” – superior in many ways to others – destined to rule all their acquired land and that of the whole island – perhaps even farther afield. It later appeared as a tribute to their Aryan ancestry. Is that what this is all about – racial superiority and purity?

Shame on you – that historically bankrupt concept will not enhance the reputation of this or any other country – racialism is the path to disappointment and destruction. It eats the soul of nations and sets them in immediate conflict with every other non-Aryan nation on this globe. In a time when cooperation and collaboration are imperatives for saving our human race and our planet from pandemic disease and global extinction, racial superiority is the inevitable path to certain destruction.         

I think I get it – the Anglo-Saxon Caucus is designed to find flawed Anglo-Saxon traditions and to peddle them once again as beneficial to the American people, even though they have already proven their worthlessness in history and experience.

This new Caucus is nothing more than the radicalized Party of Trump dispensing lies and propaganda designed to brainwash the public into believing that a certain flawed tradition is the promised paradise of politics.  

IT ISN’T --  IT NEVER WAS – and IT NEVER WILL BE – unless people like Marjorie Greene, Louis Gohmert, Matt Gaetz, Jim Jordan and Donald Trump continue to be elected to public office   




There are some hopeful signs.

1)    The Trial in Minneapolis.  The honesty and integrity displayed by the Chief of Police in taking the stand as a prosecution witness and then testifying in a straightforward manner without equivocation was a welcome respite from the Blue Wall of Silence and from the excuses made for the bad conduct of police officers in other instances.  Likewise, the testimony of health professionals and by-standers had the impact of emotional truth-telling behind their words. Of course, the plain truth of video tapes of the killing of George Floyd brings to bear the truth of seeing for oneself what happened on that fateful day.  The truth-telling by the Chief has been continued by trainers and policemen who have come forward to testify that Derek Chauvin’s use of force was not within policy guidelines and was inappropriate. Dr. Tobin (Pulmonary Specialist) gave us  the most understandable concise view of the cause of this killing (asphyxia) that we have witnessed so far.  His testimony was riveting. 

2)    The truth of saying you will do something and then actually carrying it through to fruition is  what President Joe Biden is doing with his projects, plans and proposed legislation.  We are seeing vaccinations administered beyond numbers originally proposed.  We are seeing individual relief checks distributed, and strapped-for-cash states and cities are receiving monetary subsidies.  Most recently, with the able assist from Leader Chuck Schumer, an infrastructure/jobs bill may even get past the Republicans in the Senate.  Forecasts of job possibilities from this project are yet to be proven, but that truth will come out in reports of job growth. Having bold things accomplished with illustration of accomplishment, rather than made-up excuses and accusations of blame and conspiracy theories for distraction, are a welcome return to truth-telling and truth-making that has been absent during the Trump years. 

3)     One has to be impressed as well with the information and transparency coming out of the mouths of new Department Directors in the Biden administration.  They are not hiding from the public but are presenting their goals and aims and difficulties to us as valued citizens who not only want honest information but deserve it as well.  There is a sense that ordinary people do matter, and that we are being heard and respected. 

4)     Openness to other points of view than one’s own is a form of honesty that can’t be forgotten.  Conservative Democrat Sen. Joe Manchin has been listened to and given some concessions on legislation, and it appears that will continue.  Even the Republicans have been consulted but their deep-seated opposition to Democrats on every issue and every project has limited their input and made bipartisan legislating a far-out proposition.  They have no one to blame but themselves (and Mitch McConnell) for being the Party of NO and blocking every piece of legislation with forward-looking investments or monetary support involved.  What they want you NOT to recall is that every modern Republican President has left behind a budget debt or deficit that has affected not only the economy, but the successive administration.  Government has been the victim of Republican misuse of funds for decades and we are still paying off those deficits.  Giving tax breaks and special favors to the wealthy does not make for balanced budgets nor for economic growth.  It makes for an unyielding chasm between rich and middle class and a grand canyon of difference between the rich and the poor.  

5)    Let us also not forget the official responses of corporations like Coca Cola, Dell, several Airlines and others who stepped up under consumer pressure to issue amended and stronger statements of support for voting rights in Georgia and other states like Texas.  Those corporations decided to caution states that new Jim Crow laws are not to be tolerated.  Support calling for the MLB All-star game to be removed from Atlanta because of new Georgia restrictions on voting gained enough momentum to become a reality.  Truth sometimes takes time and effort but prevails in the final stage. Corporate support for equal voting rights will be decisive in states where their presence and support are substantial. 

However much these incidents and examples push Truth forward in word and deed, there are still those darker places that remain hidden from full light.  The perversion of truth-telling as a principle that brings order and calm (‘tranquility’) to our government and society at large is still under attack.  And here are just a few examples:

1)    One major obstacle to the return of Truth, of course, is the BIG LIE behind new voting restrictions, i.e., that they protect the voting process rather than hinder the voter, is pure propaganda and is profoundly untrue.  Every restrictive law is aimed directly at voters who favor Parties other than the GOP.  The passage of these laws is a major method of stopping any truth from the full complement of voters.

2)    Donald Trump steals from his backers by fraudulent means online.  How easy it was.  Just put a checkmark in a box by a bold-type statement followed by smaller natural type that says, “make donations monthly.”  And then you have the donors return their card with what they think is one-time donations but are pre-checked as monthly donations.  And the con man Trump receives millions in donations that (it is reported) he proceeds to transfer to  an account in his name, not to a PAC or RNC account.  Typical Trump fraud just as he did with the casino in Atlantic City, real estate in Florida, Trump University online, and other fraudulent maneuvers like raising funds for vets that never got to them.  With lying tweets, avoiding government taxes, and producing irresponsible conspiracy theories, Trump has created the atmosphere that he likes best – dishonesty that produces rewards for him and his business.  Those who lose out to his schemes are considered losers by him.  That is the atmosphere in which he – and now too many (like Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida) – thrive and prosper. 

The poison of dishonesty in the system of governing has consequences, producing  distrust of government and a false belief that fraudulent claims, promises, pretense of authority and questionable actions are all taken for the well-being of supporters.  Unfortunately, fraudulent words and behaviors bring consequences upon friend and foe alike.  For instance:

a.     Trump’s Health care con and fraudulent legislation brought the pandemic to the doorsteps of supporters and never-Trumpers alike.  His neglect of a universal plan to fight the virus ended up killing base supporters and non-supporters alike in record numbers.

b.    The buying-in to lies and conspiracies by legislators and voters remains a threat to the ending of this pandemic because blocking useful and helpful legislation will also fall upon both never-Trumpers and Trumpers alike.

c.     If the Minimum wage of $15 per hour does not pass, both types are hit and will be hurt; no Medicaid increase, or Medicare reform will fall on both; voting restrictions will eventually impact everyone if Trump is re-elected in 2024 and becomes the first US dictator.  No one will be safe!

d.    Don’t underestimate the Republican dishonesty of putting gun-carry laws above the protection of voting rights.  In both Tennesee and Texas, legislators were considering legislation that expanded gun rights while lowering the ability to vote without restriction.  Texas Republicans are even considering legislation that will make it a crime to send out absentee ballots!  That dishonesty will fall on Trumpers and non-Trumpers alike as uncontrolled gun use (like the Old West) begins to harm and kill people of both political persuasions.  No one is safe when the priority is on the side of loosening gun restrictions while exacerbating the restrictions on voting.    

3)    Look at the hypocrisy now being demonstrated by many of those Republicans who voted against the American Rescue bill.  They are now proclaiming the wonder of the amounts coming into their states and trying to steal some of the credit for it, even though they voted against it. 

Perhaps more hypocritical is their reference to sections or provisions they favor and their trying to play the role of rescuers in spite of the fact they voted against the Bill!  Hypocrisy is a form of lying, and all those Republicans who voted against the Rescue Bill have no business making up lies about their support for some parts. You can’t be both for and against; legislating demands a final decision and these hypocrites voted NO to all of it – against all of it including what they now say they favor. 

In other words, every Republican in Congress voted against the rescue of their people from the harm and devastation that the pandemic has caused!  Every supporter of Trump and his Party should remember that when they vote.  Stop voting for representatives who fail to rescue and relieve you when you most need their help.     

4)    By far, the most calamitous outcome of the Trump dishonesty and fraudulent behavior is the toll it will take on the entire society.  We have already seen a rise in criminal behavior; domestic violence; bullying; plus, unwarranted vicious attacks on Asian-Americans, and a general increase in hate groups.

5)    Last, but far from least, we have witnessed an attack upon our Capitol and its inhabitants, our Representatives.  And even Trump’s most loyal operative, Mike Pence, was not considered safe from being personally attacked by the mob sent there by Donald Trump himself. 

It needs to be made clear that no one is immune from the consequences of autocratic behavior because at the basis of that behavior is a fundamental distrust and suspicion of everyone.   A personal need to defeat and possibly destroy anyone who somehow strays from, or criticizes the autocrat’s agenda, or anyone who gets in the way of its momentum is one result (see my Blogs of 10/28/2018 and 2/8/2014 for further discussion).  Trump has taught his minions to distrust, to fight against, to use every dirty trick available, and to look over their shoulders to prevent others from gaining any advantage or recognition.  His form of dishonesty is meant to build power over others, never to help them or to heal them or to enhance their lives.             

The effects of lying, bearing false witness and pretending one is something other than he or she has demonstrated in the past – like Mitch McConnell who has incessantly invited Big Business support for Republican legislation, projects, and candidates, but now warns them to stay away from politics, especially from the voting rights issue!

UN-TRUTH has become a vicious tool to be used to gain power and control of government and the voters --  of society a a whole.  It has become a weapon of choice in a battle to maintain white supremacy in all matters .  It is a propaganda device used to convince:

·       a brain-washable base of supporters that Democrats are evil people/demons from a government just waiting to pounce on them, their guns, their religion and their race,

·       them that their right to be free of government control (like their right not to wear a mask), 

·       that those liberal forces, are the ones using the COVID vaccination process to enslave the electorate and to make us all socialist automatons.

 So, let us welcome efforts to bring back truth-telling and truth-doing as seen in the less-than-hundred-days of this Biden administration.  And let us as citizens climb aboard that train and ride with it in our own dealings of daily life.  Take a stand for truth-telling and doing.  Demand answers from businesses, schools, organizations, and online vendors.  Don’t accept the lies that constantly assail you from false representatives and vendors –boycott and abandon the worst of them.   Don’t trade with, buy from, or support anyone who is out to negate your well-being.  It’s time we stood up and shouted (like in that film of days gone by) – “I’m fed up and I’m not going to take it anymore!”

Truth-telling and truth-doing are not options – they are imperatives!  As human beings, having been given the gift of life, each of us has an obligation to others to bring truth to inform and enhance that awesome gift.  It is our solemn duty to bring truth to life, for untruth does nothing but injure, maim, denigrate and destroy the quality of existence.  That latter Truth has been known for centuries of human history.  When truth is forgotten, or ignored, or worse -- is used as a weapon to denigrate and damage others – it brings upon us the chaos and confusion of wars and pandemics and a rise in crime and poverty; it foments attacks upon the loving relationships that bind us together; it bends the mind and creates mental fog and mental aberrations that affect our well-being. It inflicts damage of many kinds.

That NO vote by all Republicans in the Congress was not just on the rescue legislation.  It was  a resounding NO against doing what is right for people living with the inordinate damage caused by a pandemic that was exacerbated by the need to lie, dissemble, and to keep it under wraps so no one would panic. 

It was a vote FOR untruth, for autocratic decision-making devoid of facts or scientific research; it was a vote for made-up scenarios, illusions, delusions, and hallucinations--- known as ‘conspiracy theories’ in Trump-world.  Their NO was a vote against the will of the people expressed in more than one poll – that favored the rescue legislation by up to 70%.  And indeed, show that people across the country want most o the changes in the Biden agenda by anywhere from 65 to 80%

In other words, the Republican NO vote was a message to voters of all parties –we are in charge; your needs and your opinions are not needed or wanted.  Truth resides in us not in “WE the PEOPLE.” 

The message of this Blog is that the Trumpers have put lying, hypocrisy, and autocratic decision-making – as well as the use of violence – in charge.  They are the neo-Nazis of this culture.  They are the anti-democratic Party of the Right Wing.  They are the destroyers of Truth and Justice who are voting in a way that confirms their insurrectionist intent.  Those who continue to support them are their puppets and the fomenters of the anti-democratic, pro-fascist Party that calls itself ‘Republican.’ 



“To believe or to assert something is not enough to make it true.”

Some believe that Truth can only come from God or his messengers.  Some that truth resides in certain unique and special persons or objects- like a Pope or a Totem or a Dictator.

 Many believe that there is a subjective truth and an objective truth, the first dependent on a source, the second on a process of discovery and experimentation.

Others like Trump and his followers believe that truth is a set of “alternative facts,” which amounts to made up “facts.”

One dictionary definition:  “the property of being in accord with fact or reality.”

Truth is not belief or supposition or wishful thinking; TRUTH is verifiable facts, proven hypotheses, and the actual experience of doing what works for the benefit of humankind.