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Betrayal/Untruth/Corruption Deserve Immediate Censure

Yes, I know that the topic of the day is the Mueller Report and the issue of pursuing or not pursuing impeachment against this fake president.  As often happens here, I have chosen to move to a related subject that has basically received little comment or attention.  It has been pretty much ignored since it came forth. Yet, it also relates at its core to the chaos and the un-presidential behavior of wannabe 'King' Donald J. Trump.  It perhaps goes to the heart of what’s wrong with this man who should never have been elected to this high office. It points up that Republicans who continue to support this man, no matter what he does, are abettors in the destructive dismantling of our form of government and of our mutual responsibility for each other. 

Turncoat – “a person who shifts allegiance from one loyalty or ideal to another, betraying or deserting an original cause by switching to the opposing side or party.”  In political and social history,  this is distinct from being a traitor, as the switch mostly takes place “when the goal that formerly motivated and benefited the person becomes… either no longer feasible or too costly even if success is achieved.”
Synonyms: traitor, renegade, defector, deserter, betrayer

Hypocrite – “a person who feigns some desirable or publicly approved attitude, especially one whose private life, opinions, or statements belie his or her public statements.”

Following are some of Trump’s worst comments particularly about Mexican (and other Hispanic/Latino) immigrants.  They constitute Trump’s original (and continuing) stance on the threat that so-called “illegal immigrants from Mexico” pose to our people and to our nation:

TRUMP: “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending you their best…They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with them. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists….”  Jun. 16, 2015

TRUMP: “Sadly, the overwhelming amount of violent crime in our major cities is committed by blacks and Hispanics-a tough subject-must be discussed.”

TRUMP: “The border is wide open for cartels & terrorists. Secure our border now. Build a massive wall & deduct the costs from Mexican foreign aid!”  4:47 PM - Mar 30, 2015

TRUMP: “love the Mexican people, but Mexico is not our friend. They're killing us at the border and they're killing us on jobs and trade. FIGHT!   8:57 AM - Jun 30, 2015

 TRUMP: “What can be simpler or more accurately stated? The Mexican Government is forcing their most unwanted people into the United States. They are, in many cases, criminals, drug dealers, rapists, etc.” July 2015

TRUMP: “Because of “people that should’ve never been allowed to come over the border,” crime is “going through the roof.” (campaign rally in California – Thursday, April 28, 2016).

THE TWIST and TURN OF KING TRUMP: Trump is threatening to deliver these same “murderers, drug-traffickers, people-traffickers, rapists, thieves, job-takers, and ‘bad’ people” into many of our population centers (Sanctuary Cities) to pose direct threats to his own loyal supporters and voters, in spite of his prior remarks.

(Reuters) – “President Donald Trump said on Friday he was considering sending illegal immigrants in the country to so-called sanctuary cities, prompting U.S. mayors to accept such an offer as the battle over border security raged.”
“Frustrated by rising numbers of undocumented immigrants arriving at the southern border, and a failure to get Congress to fully fund a U.S.-Mexico border wall, Trump taunted Democrats by dangling the possibility of an influx of illegal immigrants into their communities.”

TRUMP: "Due to the fact that Democrats are unwilling to change our very dangerous immigration laws, we are indeed, as reported, giving strong considerations to placing Illegal Immigrants in Sanctuary Cities only" (Twitter).

TRUMP: (speaking to reporters at the White House on Friday, said of sanctuary cities) "We can give them an unlimited supply" of immigrants.”

There you have it.  Trump as Turncoat; Trump as Hypocrite; Trump as deserter and betrayer, because he now wants to send “an unlimited supply” of illegal immigrants into the midst of his non-supporters (Democrats).  However, some of his loyal supporters also live in those same cities.
Thus, his threat becomes not only a threat to Democrats (several mayors have already stepped-up to counter that threat by saying: ‘go ahead, we can support these folks just as we have already aided Syrians and others who have needed our help’).

HERE’S the POINT:  TRUMP HAS THROWN HIS OWN PEOPLE UNDER THE BUS – this is his real unwritten message to them:  They are expendable.  They are tools in his self-aggrandizement.  They are his pawns and his puppets.  He will use them whenever he wants to boost a personal agenda that serves him in all matters.

There’s more:  Trump has perhaps unwittingly raised the question of the veracity of his claims about Mexico, Mexicans, immigrants, and “threats”.  If he is willing to send murderers, thieves, drug cartel members, gangs, and job-takers into communities inhabited by his own supporters, is he thereby jeopardizing the well-being and the lives of his own voters? 
OR, is he now demonstrating that his followers don’t have anything to worry about because his claims about the “badness” of immigrants is just propaganda and not real – in fact, very much in doubt?  So, which is it?  Is there a threat from “bad immigrants” or are immigrants little or no threat to our communities and to our nation?  Apparently, Trump wants to have it both ways, but he ends up lying to us no matter how he answers.

 I have absolutely no trust in Donald Trump.  I believe he will do anything to advance himself and his fortune.  I believe he will lie about anything to make himself look good or to cover-up his mistakes.  He has been shown to have a history of using people when it suits his needs.  I believe he is, in this case, willing to throw his own followers under the bus in order to exact revenge upon his political enemies.  His thirst for personal power knows no bounds.

However, in this case, he has stupidly set-up a situation by which we may be able to determine whether a crime wave breaks out in all those sanctuary cities, or to determine whether those transplanted  refugee immigrants will provide more evidence of their usual behavior by working hard, caring for and building their families, contributing to their larger communities; believing in the need to be helpful to others; trying to build their own “American Dream.”  
Trump is not just a turncoat – he could be an abettor of criminal activity against his supporters if he carries out his threat.  Unless, of course, the immigrants are NOT a threat to anyone!  Which is it?

So, here is my call to progressives and conservatives alike:
1.      Support those sanctuary cities in every way possible to aid them in refugee settlement;
2.      Publicize the probable betrayal by Trump of his own supporters by threatening to send the very ‘dangerous criminals’ he describes into their neighborhoods.  Based on his own words and actions, the ‘danger’ he touts is so imminent and pervasive he has actually ordered troops to our southern border to maintain order; and, he continues to search for ways to build a retaining wall because of the great danger he attributes to these immigrants  no matter the expense or the failure quotient;
3.      Publicize the stupidity of Trump logic in providing a proving ground for the very people he denigrates, i.e. if a large crime wave attributable to immigrants does not break out in these cities, it shows that he lied about their character and the threat he says they pose;
4.      Bring forth to those Trumpites known to you that Trump has shown his disdain for all of them by his willingness to see them harmed by the “criminals” he wants to send to their communities; to their neighborhoods
Ask them the question:  how can they support someone who tells them one thing (‘these Mexican immigrants are bad, violent and dangerous and we need to stop them from coming across our borders’) but then turns completely around to send those same “dangerous criminals” to certain cities to spread their supposed harm and hurt to everyone (including Trump loyalists)?

This is ultimately what lying or cover-up or limiting access to facts by a government or its leadership produces.  It results in untenable situations.  It affects those who least expect it.  It poisons the atmosphere in which we live and work.  It grows and spreads like a cancer because it is pervasive, insidious and toxic.  The ancient Hebrew nation knew this well, and it is no accident that it became one of the strongest prohibitions of the Ten Commandments:  THOU SHALT NOT BEAR FALSE WITNESS.  It wasn’t just individual morality that was involved; it was the health, welfare and mission of a whole community/people/nation that was at stake.   In case you missed it, this is one of the basics of real democracy:  the corporateness – the interdependence -- of our lives and our very existence. 

Those who preach and base their lives and faith upon ego-centricity as their primary motivation for their actions have little or no comprehension of the interdependence and corporal well-being that must be the formative basis of a community.  They do not comprehend, for instance, the harm that can be caused to a society’s health by insisting on an individual’s “right” to reject vaccination of their children against harmful diseases. The effects of such individualization, without regard for the health and welfare of the rest of the community, deserves condemnation.  Such disregard for the community welfare is what leads to health epidemics such as the measles scare currently active and growing.  In other words, when individuals fabricate and invoke questionable freedoms for themselves, they can end up undermining and destroying the rights of others to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness;” in fact, the whole foundation and fabric of society and government can be threatened. 
Whenever we ignore the expression of false witness by our leaders -- the Big Lie, obstruction of justice, or the abuse of truth and trust -- we jeopardize our commonweal (community well-being). 

We must always react to – and reject -- untruthfulness (LYING).  The high crime of utilizing and normalizing falsity is what the ancient Hebrews called apostasy (falling away), a crime against both God and His people.  Such falsity breeds corruption, and corruption is the destroyer, not the builder, of democratic institutions and values.  Donald Trump and his followers are not just de-constructionists—they are active destroyers of our democracy, corrupting it from the inside out.

Something I read recently stuck in my mind on this subject.  It came from Hillary Clinton, I believe, who said something to this effect:  if this (Mueller) Report came forth about any other President, impeachment charges would have been started immediately against that person!  

We cannot continue to allow this man to get away with “high crimes and misdemeanors” pursued with the intent of destroying our government and our well-being.  He is not worthy of the office or of the support of people whom he has now betrayed and denigrated by his own words and actions.

Thus, I proposed in a recent tweet that Congress (mainly the Democrats in the House of Representatives) begin the process of impeachment in a unique way. 

1.      Use the Mueller Report as a guide to further investigation by the appropriate House committees especially regarding Obstruction of Justice
2.      Following-up on the results of each hearing, take what is learned about each charge investigated, and produce a series of “censure resolutions” that essentially encompass the conclusions of the hearings as to Trump culpability in terms of possible impeachable offenses. 
3.    This series of censure resolutions could serve as steps in the all-important task of educating the public, and perhaps as the basis of building toward eventual impeachment charges and proceedings

Above all, Democrats must not be complacent or afraid to carry out their constitutional duty.  We cannot ignore the damage of doing nothing in the face of a lying obstructionist/de-constructionist/destroyer who is using his powerful position as head of our government to enrich himself, his family and others of his ilk who are content to use every means at their disposal to gain all the power, control and profit that will enhance them at the expense of the rest of society. 

After all, any leader who would turn on his own followers and threaten their well-being by threatening to send into their neighborhoods in ‘Sanctuary Cities’ those he himself has characterized as criminals, thieves, rapists, drug-traffickers, murderers and terrorists ('bad’ people), is the epitome of a man that no one should trust, support, tolerate or vote into any elective office.
In conclusion, I leave you with a slight variation of what Trump himself has said: “KICK HIM OUT” and then LOCK HIM UP!”