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TH ERE IS a CIVIL WAR GOING ON RIGHT NOW in our country and apparently, a  majority of people are simply unaware that such can exist without visible armies, battlefields, and the shedding of blood, without the sound of gunfire and artillery shells.   Are we somehow deluding ourselves into a state of denial where too often what we see is not necessarily discerned as what is really happening; that is -- as reality?  Are we so full of misinformation, societal myths and unquestioned biases, beliefs, and prejudices that we have lost reason, common sense, and critical analysis?

Are we asking the right questions of ourselves, and our representatives, or are we simply depending on some media group to provide answers to our questions? Are we too accepting of  what we are told by others and it sometimes  becomes our own without research or critique?  Are we so distracted by the scourge of COVID 19 that we are unable to place any real attention elsewhere? 

To some degree, the answer is YES to all these questions.  For some – perhaps too many – the questions have not yet appeared on their radar screens.  For some, they have appeared but been dismissed or ignored.

I would say that we are in one of those periods when we find ourselves and others, being:

·       Distracted and frustrated by the COVID pandemic

·       Vulnerable to misinformation and propaganda because we are looking for quick answers to our concerns and problems;

·       Distracted and challenged on so many fronts of life, it appears, that we are also very vulnerable to

o   Answers we might normally dismiss

o   Actions that distract from the real world of pain are more likely to gain acceptance and support without any critical judgment

o   Receptive to offers of comfort and distraction that we probably ignored in healthier times 

o Plagued by fatigue and malaise that cause misconceptions and miscalculations at many levels of life 

One of the most important questions for any society may well center around the use and abuse of POWER. It would be less than startling to proclaim that the question of “WHO’s IN CONTROL?” is at the core of our form of government, and not surprisingly, there is much confusion that abounds when that question gets asked of the Trump Party.                                                                            

The answer was perhaps much clearer and unequivocal when the Founding Fathers put together the Declaration of Independence and our ground-breaking Constitution.  After all, they used both documents to denounce the focus of the power of that day – King George III and the English Parliament.  The locus of power before then had been perceived as residing mainly with powerful men (very few women) – kings, potentates, dictators, and emperors.  There had also been a prominent answer circulating in earlier days that power resided in monarchs by something often called “Divine Right”  (which left others with no rights or resources to question that POWER). 

But the colonists rebelled against that authority declaring themselves to be in charge of their own destiny as an independent  nation. 

Turns out that enough delegates to the Constitutional Convention of 1787 were still suspicious of allowing too much central government power so they came up with the notion of checks and balances between three independent branches of the central federal government: Legislative, Executive and Judiciary, building-in checks like two Houses of Congress, approval by the Senate for all Treaties and Executive department and judicial appointments.  There was also the presidential veto and the ability to override that veto by a large majority of both houses of Congress.  The United States of America abandoned a Confederation and came forth with a government with national/federalist flavor that allowed strong centralized power making sure substantial checks on that power were in place.

The answers of the Constitutional Convention and the Federalists and anti-Federalists to the question of POWER or WHO’S IN CONTROL?  have given us a consistently strong national government but have also saddled us with assumptions about the wielders of power some of which we have never completely resolved.  For instance:

·       What is meant by “States’ Rights”? we are still trying to resolve issues over state power especially in relation to voting rights and elections;

·       We engaged in a Civil War over the doctrine of nullification of federal laws by the states related to slavery and property ownership.  The conflict persists especially as regards voter rights and abortion rights. 

·       Can a President declare a War without congressional approval? Apparently so  by proclaiming war to be other than it is - a ‘”police action” or “humanitarian crisis.” Have “exceptions” allowed the presidential branch to increase its power beyond a reasonable and responsible level? 

·       Do states have the right to set guidelines for vetoing and overturning national elections?  Apparently so, if election rules are completely in their hands as they seem to be.  Does power over national elections need to  be revisited and revised?  The House has answered in the Affirmative; the Senate is considering.

So, there are still issues of power to be decided, and we aren’t doing a particularly good job so far of getting that done

We are still struggling with the question of POWER and CONTROL perhaps because during Trump’s presidency, we dealt with an occupant who  believed himself to be infallible, all-powerful, and omniscient; who abused the powers of the presidency, was twice impeached, and who claimed to have absolute power or authority to:

·       limit and stop immigration that he falsely claimed to be not in the national interest;

·       determine the winners and losers of elections;  

·       hire and fire people on a whim

·       denigrate or dismiss critics and those who needed to be neutral in their thinking like scientists   

·      keep his financial dealings a secret and pay no taxes;

·       use the government to abusively separate children from their parents at the southern border as a warning to other would-be immigrants;  and he chose not to have to reunite those families;

·       solicit personal favors and gifts from foreign leaders or from domestic citizens and groups for his private use;

·       refuse to let anyone testify before the Congress and thereby refuse to honor congressional subpoenas and the oversight responsibility of Congress;

·       pass along misinformation to the detriment and even the deaths of millions of people; 

·       not have a national plan for combatting a deadly pandemic 

·       abandon the responsibility of a president to act as a guiding force in resolving a health crisis (in stark contrast to our current President);

·       serve as the instigator of an insurrection against Congress 

In other words, Trump claimed the absolute right to be the locus and focus of the POWER of government and if someone did not obey his wishes or support his actions, he reserved the absolute right to destroy their careers; to make life miserable for disloyalty or for outright opposition to his wishes. 

Many still do not recognize the despotic nature of those assertions and actions, and so they continue to abet his criminality.

The question of WHO’s IN CONTROL has been answered by TRUMP.  He desires to be re-elected in 2024 to enable him to cement those assumptions of absolute POWER into despotic reality. 

If we don’t start treating him like the narcissistic Fascist power-grabber that he is, we shall have succumbed to the  absolute power that he craves, and that opens a Pandora’s box of abuses that we cannot allow or endure.  Interestingly, his supporters will also reap the harvest of the power of neglect and denigration, and their fate will be sealed with that of the  rest of us.   

President Joe Biden and his team, including his Vice President, Kamala Harris, and the congressional Democrat majority, are our best hope for responses that are large enough for the course changes that are required.  Already they have teamed-up to take strong actions – and to promise strong actions – on the many fronts of this global war to save humanity. 

Front and center is their major effort to defeat the COVID virus.  Stepped up national plans for treatment, vaccination, and full utilization of government and private sector resources have now resulted in new CDC guidelines for not wearing masks if one is fully vaccinated.  Meanwhile, the unscientific GOP congressional questioners used committee hearings to turn the question of mask-wearing into a political issue about rights.  Dr. Fauci made plain that this is not about freedom or rights; it is about fighting a virus with proven scientific methods so that we can all be made safe from its killing power. 

And therein lies a key to the future of humankind:  partisan politics is grossly limited in its approach to human problems and is ill-equipped to resolve global issues of vast significance.  As long as we continue to listen to and accept the disinformation and propaganda distributed by the anti-science, anti-government, anti-critical-thinking political loud-mouths, we shall ourselves contribute to the destruction caused by its wake. 

There is absolutely no efficacy in misinformation or dis-information.  It benefits no one.  It rescues no one.  It is completely devoid of reality and does not contribute one iota to saving our lives and our planet.  The lies, deceit, ignorance, and conspiracy theories displayed by Trump and his puppets have no value because they lack the power and the substance that is necessary to defeat the chaotic forces of nature.  Misinformation offers nothing but illusion and delusion; it has no ability to solve anything, but can feed the malevolent need of someone to manipulate others by holding them hostage to cult-like thinking.  It is a dead-end -- literally.

Biden and Harris and the Democrats in Congress have moved to save us from our own illusions and delusions.  They have realized that bold use of resources can produce the results necessary to resolve global and national problems.  They have on their plate, a goodly number of sea changes that are absolutely imperative in our governing system:

1.    We must reform our voting and election systems so that the peoples’ voices will be heard and heeded.  HR #1 (also known as S#1) is vital to that effort.

2.    We must undo the efforts of the Trump administration to put America First by destroying and denigrating the alliances and cooperative pacts with other nations.  In this respect, the Biden administration is tak                                                                     ing important steps to:

a.     Repair relations with our allies

b.    Speak strong words and take clear actions to those countries like Russia that are out to destroy our democracy

c.     Repair our immigration system to maintain our ability to welcome others to join and enhance  our democratic experiment and to strengthen our nation with the fervor of multi-cultural vibrancy

d.    Reach out to countries like Iran to talk once again of peaceful co-existence and cooperation;

e.    End wars in areas where the objectives have changed, and the strategies no longer apply

f.      Enjoin the private sector to back new initiatives to save our planet

3.    Seek to diminish and to eliminate flaws in our ideals that produce unequal justice, unequal opportunity, and unequal punishment for wrongdoing, including:

a.     Black Lives Matter support

b.    Police brutality eliminated; justice defined; incarceration revised

c.     Judicial system examined; SCOTUS reformed

d.    Federal laws written and enforced that send clear messages to states and localities that questionable practices of the justice system are to be tolerated no longer

e.    Elimination of profit-making prisons and schools

f.      Greater emphasis on community involvement in policing and in oversight of police action

g.     Federal laws tightened to set national standards for the justice system

4.    National and global involvement in saving the environment and the planet

5.    Rebuilding the infrastructure and the economy

6.    Return to a system of checks and balances that works. 

7.    Supportive structures deserve revitalization as much as physical structures because such things as the filibuster, the committee and sub-committee structure and leadership functions are the infrastructure of the Congress, just as child care and equal pay are essential to ensuring the  involvement of women in the job market. Peripheral programs supporting participation of people inside  the physical structures, re  are what make it tick and they deserve reform and rehabilitation as much as buildings and bridges and highways.  We must re-think how government functions and provide the ‘highways’ that allow it to do so.

a.     Change to a problem-solving model with bipartisan (preferably) task forces with clear  objectives, aims, and outcomes;

b.    Other models might include exploratory teams with researchers and consultants (such as commissions)

c.     Provide support for hardware and software that enable intercommunication and problem-solving in all branches

d.    Build-in ethics guidelines that penalize immoral behavior

e.    Give accountability some bite with strong penalties

f.      Involve citizen volunteers in government structures and functions

g.     Put citizen committees in charge of annual evaluation of structures like committees, task forces and departments

h.    Get rid of filibuster and cloture votes; instead, provide rules that allow for and guide extended presentations that are timed

i.       Remove all blocks to the legislating process, such as ‘member privilege’

j.      Hearings must include ordinary citizens who will be affected by a bill

k.     Every bill should have a timeline of steps to passage and a list of witnesses and consultants attached;

8.    Our democratic form of government cannot be sustained without a thorough examination of the appropriate role of political parties.  There can be no place for either Party to place its interests above the nation’s welfare.  We should explore limiting Party involvement to advisory status and adjust or eliminate the following:

a.     Nominations for offices; 

b.    fund-raising and distribution must be under strict guidelines

c.      Parties should not automatically dictate officers and leaders of the House and Senate;  

d.    The filibuster must go; there is no good reason for placing obstacles in the way of legislating; it has been turned into a method for blocking legislation by requiring a vote of “cloture” to be a super majority

Fighting back is not an easy task, but Democrats must muster the full extent of their own tactics to undo and overcome the tactics of the far-Right radicals.

1)     Pursue court cases including against states for voter suppression and violation of rights.  For instance, in Arizona, every original ballot turned over to non-official sub-contractors for audit purposes after votes have already been certified by that state, involves the disclosure of supposedly secret ballots, a violation of voters’ rights to privacy and secrecy.  The state of Arizona, and all of those working on this so-called ’audit’ should be sanctioned by the courts for this violation.  

2)    Follow-up on all cases pending against Donald Trump and his administration.  Any further delay brings us closer to 2024 without justice served by making Trump ineligible for public office. 

3)    Continue the roll-back of Trump orders and legislation.  Leave nothing unexamined and in force,  especially anti-democratic actions that were meant to ‘de-construct’ government, such as actions taken against the right to protest and free speech in the context of government criticism e.g. steps of retaliation against congressional witnesses.

4)    Rebuild the mission and purposes of Executive branch agencies and departments that were damaged or destroyed during the Trump administration, such as the EPA, Department of Education, and the DOJ.

5)    Where are the congressional investigations of Trump malfeasance and mismanagement?  They must be undertaken to remind the voters of the devastation brought upon us by this despotic president, and to institute future corrections:

a.     Tax returns must be released

b.    Business and private funds put in Trust

c.     Prohibition of nepotism restored

d.    Presidential pardons reformed and restrictions placed on their use

e.    FURTHER RESTRICTIONS should be applied to COLLUSION with foreign countries

                                                    i.     Keep pressure on Russia for its cyber war against the USA

f.      “Emoluments” need to be more carefully defined

g.     Richest 1% must pay their fair share of taxes;

h.    corporations must support communities in which they are physically present; all charters of incorporation should have to contain specifics of such support

i.       Rejuvenate freedoms – of speech, press, religion, protest, etc.

j.      Continue fight for justice especially for people of color

k.     Continue fight for sensible immigration policy; restore DACA; de-emphasize the WALL

l.       Enhance national service as the norm for all citizens; build a new Youth Corps (ages 15-20) dedicated to envisioning and building the Future (some are already doing so; let us provide a vessel that supports and builds upon their efforts and let the youth have the responsibility for managing this Corps with adults as backup consultants (not the other way around!). 

m.  Call out; weed out; turn out all radical Right-wingers and their  groups that attempt to infiltrate public offices, public forums, and our institutions like schools, the military, universities, and others.  It must not involve the abrogation of their rights but can be done in relation to hate speech and behaviors, threatening overthrow of government and threats or actual use of violence, among others.

We are not in the middle of “politics as usual.”  Donald Trump and his minions have moved us far away from that venue.  We are now in the midst of  an ideological CIVIL WAR that has been a long time in the making. 

As the forces of Fascism in the Congress prepare for their next attack – that of downplaying the insurrection of January 6, 2021 – let us recall one major lesson of history regarding the rise of the German Nazi Party in the 1930s and 40s.  Their rise to power was not based solely on their propaganda and brutish behaviors.  There was another major factor that we are apt to overlook as we have done over the last 4-5 years.  At the end of an in-depth study and story of a  typical German town entitled “The Nazi Seizure of Power,” the author, William Sheridan Allen, points out the main reason he found for the rise of, and final takeover by, the Fascists.  Hear his words and apply them to our current internal War for we are being led down the same primrose path. 

“…popular passivity made possible the crimes that the Nazis were able to commit.  In some ways, the greatest Nazi crime was that they were able to encourage moral numbness even in those that did not agree with them.  That moral numbness was the prerequisite for all the other shameful crimes of Nazism.”

Even with the splendid job being done by the Biden administration to lift us out of this pandemic and job-loss economy and to make government work for people, the moral complacency seen among  anti-Trumpists who want only a return to normalcy, is discomfiting.  In our current circumstances, with democracy on the firing line, it may not be enough to return to normalcy or to just build back what we had before the pandemic.  We must overcome the moral malaise that allows words and actions that are anti-democratic, that  could destroy our form of governing.  We need strong methods of accountability built into our laws with enough sharp penalties in them to help bring about in-depth, bold progressive changes in our system!  Anything less and the Know-Nothing, Do-Nothing Trump Party will take over and claim absolutist power and control that will not be in the People’s interest or well-being.