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Abettors of Obstruction and Destruction?

It appears to me that the time has come when questions must be raised that are difficult to  contemplate.  In fact, the main media has virtually ignored such questions because they are covering only daily breaking news, while politicians do everything in their power not to raise them and the uninformed don’t even know what to ask.  So, as usual, I will insert well-worn toes to test the waters.

Perhaps, there is no better place to begin than to recall that Donald J. Trump has once again projected something characteristic of himself onto others, in order to show how rotten everyone else is compared to him.  It is a tactic of diversion and propagandizing that the Donald has used for many years.  It is used to excoriate his detractors and to shift the prevailing or potential narrative to a focus on others.

Trump has reacted in his usual punitive and pugnacious manner to charges of “cover-up” and talk of impeachment as well as to the defection of Republican congressman Amash who has dared to declare that some of Trump’s actions are equivalent to impeachable offenses.  In retaliation, Trump has acted in his most authoritarian manner to divert the public’s attention from investigations of him to focus on the following:
  • ·       investigation by Attorney General (AG) Barr of the investigating agencies -- FBI and CIA and NSA -- to find evidence of their having undertaken the original Mueller investigations and prior ones on false pretenses and with criminal intent. In order to do this, Trump issued an Executive Order that allows de-classification of “everything” pertinent to Barr’s investigation.  In other words, Trump has directed the AG of the United States to act as his personal  agent and to access all intelligence records with no limits imposed, meaning the AG can do what he did with the Mueller Report – he can cherry-pick what he can use to make a case against the intelligence agencies and their agents, whether or not those snippets have any relevance or relation to the actual circumstances of the case-at-hand!

  • ·        Trump has taken to calling the supposed actions of leaders of these agencies (and others) as “treasonous” implying that our intelligence and investigative leaders have acted as “traitors”
  • ·       Come up with a plot to extradite Julian Assange to the United States where he can be tried for actions he undertook to publish secret documents stolen from our government (and others); the rub is that such action against Assange can also work to undermine the protection of secret sources utilized by investigative reporters in this country; such a ruling would be detrimental to the ability of a free press to investigate government (or private sector) corruption
  • ·       Has, at the same time, refused to do any more work with Democrats on infrastructure (and perhaps any other legislative work) until investigations by congressional committees are stopped (broadly speaking, just another obstructive action by this authoritarian ruler)

·       While all this is happening on the domestic front, Trump has also begun diversionary tactics on the international scene, by:
o   ramping up warlike actions against Iran
o   supporting ultra-right-wing candidates in Europe and elsewhere
o   talking about N. Korean “successes,” while down-playing recent short-range missile tests
o   making a trip to Japan to be the first to meet with their new emperor
o   and, continuing the trade war (tariffs) with China, and now Mexico
  • ·       With the acquiescent Mitch McConnell leading the Senate, Trump has been pushing the approval of conservative judges to lower courts to stack that branch in his favor as challenges are made to his domestic agenda and his authoritarian “orders”
  • ·       Perhaps Trump’s most obstructive moves currently involve his actions designed to prevent present and former staff from testifying at all before congressional committees; thus, he has embarked on a strategy that may come back to bite him, discouraging anyone in his administration from answering congressional invitations or subpoenas
  • ·       Meanwhile,  Trump continues to rally his base with outrageous scenarios, including ‘pep’ rallies, big lies about people and circumstances; taking credit for a robust economy that he did not initiate, and ignoring the huge social issues that cry out for solutions

With this picture of government destruction, obstruction and authoritarian overthrow fresh in our minds, let us raise the issue that will be with us now and for some time to come.
What is to be done with the base supporters of Donald Trump, who continue to support him no matter what he does or says?

Should they continue to be regarded as simply misguided, or is there now beginning to arise a more detrimental nature to their support and their acceptance of his words and actions?  Are they now abetting the high crime of obstruction of justice (and other criminal actions related to finances and abuse of power)?  After all, there are several other supporters of Trump who have been indicted and fined or jailed for their abetting of their leader’s behavior.  Is that a pointer toward what should happen to others?

Moreover, what about those who support Trumpian legislative, executive or judicial policies, programs and promulgations that threaten to undermine or destroy the fundamental values and structures of our democracy?

And, what about those supporters who freely donate money and/or in-kind services to a regime that is devoted to changing (de-constructing) a democratic form of government?

Finally, what responsibility or recourse do we have toward those who continue to support Donald Trump even though the Special Counsel’s Report found at least 11 examples of obstruction of justice that cumulatively show a pattern of behavior? 

In other words, I am raising the issue of whether or not citizens of a democracy have an obligation to protect their Constitution and their democratic values from other citizens who, by either overt actions, covert behaviors or ideological purity seek to undermine and destroy that form of government and the values that underlie it.

This nation fought two world wars to checkmate foreign forces that threatened to destroy our way of life; we fought a Cold War to keep communist nihilism from doing the same.  We fought a Revolutionary War to banish an authoritarian monarch from our very shores and our ancestor’s lives.  We fought a Civil War to keep democracy alive when human slavery and its accompanying values threatened to undermine our Constitution and our Society.  We fought in Viet Nam and North Korea to contain the advance of dictatorial Communism.  We went to war in the Middle East to contain terrorists who threatened to destroy our way of life, and we are still there.  And now, we face an old enemy that wants to undermine our entire electoral process and our democratic values – yes, it’s Russia again – but this time, it is unprecedented that the Oval Office contains an occupant who does not take action to resist the new cyber war against us by that country’s dictator, but instead heaps praise upon him and rescinds sanctions against him and his regime.

Meanwhile, that same Oval Office resident encourages, creates and applies policies and procedures that threaten our Constitution’s fundamentals.  To wit:
·       discrimination against a particular religion (Islam) by blocking immigrants from Islamic countries
·       undermining of the sovereign right to vote in states throughout this nation without so much as a word of opposition from the White House
·       support for groups that seek to disrupt and destroy the rights of others; Charlottesville will remain the epitome of this President’s overt support of Nazi’s, KKK, and other violent hate groups finding “good people” on all sides, never deigning to object to their beliefs or their tactics; even minimizing the death of one young woman killed intentionally by a car driven by a Nazi sympathizer
·       the documented growth of hate groups dedicated to white nationalism since Trump assumed office because of his support and lack of censure
·       ever-growing discrimination against persons of color; persons with disabilities; persons living in poverty; the budgets of this administration have illustrated their absolute disdain for vulnerable populations who need the help of government
·       mainly through opposition and undermining of the ACA (Obamacare), this administration has done harm to persons of low income, negatively affected the general welfare and the domestic tranquility (two of the fundamental aims of our Constitution) of tens of thousands of our People
·       undermined cabinet departments such as EPA, HHS, Education, Homeland Security by undertaking radical means of destroying their integrity and their missions
·       blocked or dismantled Consumer protection agencies, boards and councils
·       undermining of the FBI, the CIA and the DSA
·       the latest efforts to go to war with Iran have also raised the issue of war powers; will Trump act alone without Congress to press us into war?  I believe he will
(I have dealt with most of these items in more detail in past blogs.  You can use the search mechanism available on this page to find pertinent subjects)

What concerns me right now are the devotees, the automatons, the uncritical, apparently amoral and non-questioning supporters of this authoritarian wannabe dictator.  What can we do about them before succumbing to a Fuhrer-led dictatorship like the Nazi regime of the 1930s and 40s, allowed to mount a take-over by the pacified and neglectful partisans of an authoritarian fascist ideology?

That question is loaded with all sorts of difficulties that go to the very heart of civil and individual rights. I suspect the fundamental difficulty is tied into the question:  Do those who advocate or abet the undermining (or overthrowing) of the very rights and principles that undergird our constitutional system of governing deserve the same access to the protection and use of those rights?   Or, perhaps, it can be worded another way:

Can those who advocate, abet, contribute to, or participate in the abrogation, undermining, de-construction, overthrow, coup d’etat, or destruction of our basic freedoms, rights and institutions be allowed the protection and use of those same principled concepts? 
Or, perhaps we might ask in a much less detailed manner:  can those who participate in the overt or covert destruction of our democracy also be considered as citizens eligible for its freedoms and benefits? 
Similar questions arose at our nation’s beginnings and have arisen in various forms throughout our national history.  Consider
v  Royalists who opposed American declaration of independence, the war of Revolution and the establishment of a separate and distinct government
v  Those anti-federalists who opposed a strong central government under a binding Constitution
v  Those who started revolutionary movements bent on establishing new governments, or
v  Those slave owners who supported human slavery and undermined the rights of all by so doing
v  Those who kept the preeminent right to vote (along with other freedoms like freedom of religion) from Native Americans, persons of color, poor whites without property, and from all women
v  Those confederate state leaders and followers who attempted to secede from the Union to prevent the abolition of slavery, and to preserve white privilege and the profits gained from slavery
v  Those like Andrew Jackson and others like Jefferson who warred against native Americans in order to steal their lands and to prevent their full citizenship
v  Those leaders and followers who put together Jim Crow laws to keep freed slaves from gaining the rights and freedoms of full citizenship
v  How about those tycoons of industry of the Gilded Age who controlled government at local, state and federal levels by the power of their riches, and made sure that immigrants, minorities, poor whites and others were provided low wages and long hours to build their industries and products so the tycoons could become even richer, while such laborers stayed “in their place?” Some may have been great philanthropists (for their own social status aggrandizement) but worked behind the scenes to control votes, speech, institutions, labor and materials.  Their robber baron-style principles and assumptions, plus their prejudices and vices, led to the corruption of many of our institutions and democratic principles even unto this present day (talking about the absolute malice and harm brought upon customers by tobacco, fossil fuel, and food processing companies to name just a few poisoners of individuals and the environment).
v  How about those who opposed the vote for women; their attitudes and tactics undermining that eminent right for all women
v  OR, go on to ask about the KKK, the union-busters, the McCarthy era search for communist infiltrators in the government, or various attempts to silence the press; segregate public schools, and the growth of hate groups in our own contemporary society.

How do we deal with the many groups and movements that are blatantly (and often violently) anti-democratic, and that seek to twist our government and our institutions in such a way that they will benefit in the end as certain rights or freedoms are altered from their original intent?  A few thoughts:

1)      Bring back the restrictions and guidelines of Dodd-Frank; it is the constitutional duty of government to “regulate Commerce with foreign nations and among the several states…, to “coin money and regulate the value thereof...and fix the standards of weights and measures…”

2)      We need strong  national laws that prevent the denigration of our rights, like voting and adequate affordable health care.  So, what are we waiting for, let’s get down to business and start making sure people have what they need, for example:
a.       regulate drug prices
b.       huge fines and arrests for CEOs and corporations who harm their customers
c.       housing units for everyone so that no one is allowed to be homeless
d.       pass legislation that holds legislators, judges and executives accountable for their legislation, regulations, decisions and orders that bring harm to those affected by those acts;
e.       set stronger qualifications for every political office and vet all candidates in depth for elective and appointive offices; reject candidacy of those who advocate violence, abrogation of any rights or discrimination against vulnerable groups; it is our duty to vet deeply and completely to prevent candidates like Trump from ever being nominated by responsible parties or organizations
f.        no district lines drawn by anyone holding office (including judges) or by anyone or group that employs or supports paid lobbyists; all re-districting must be drawn by Commissions of ordinary citizens chosen by vote of other citizens
g.       make right to vote automatic and universal by certifying that right to every new-born citizen and oath-taker; disallowing any government entity to set any local restrictions on that right (including voter registration application) unless approved by a National Elections Board or some such oversight agency
h.       restore or establish consumer protection boards in every relevant agency of government and consider renaming Inspector General’s Offices to reflect consumer protection from government abuse in all its functions
i.         consider seriously boycotting states and localities that give in to the destruction of rights, freedoms and responsibilities; or, that take upon themselves the forcing of non-majority beliefs that are contrary to the existing law of the land like the ignominious passing of strict state abortion laws that seek to define life and to impose certain religious, doctrinal or ethical beliefs of one religious group upon the entire population.  This is contrary to the establishment of religion clause of the 1st Amendment and must be boycotted and monetarily opposed by every progressive entity in this country until the forces of destruction feel backlash in their wallets and purses
j.         let’s get back to the reforms of HR-1 and follow-through in whatever ways are possible

 That’s a small beginning.  The point is that we must immediately start correcting the abuses of King Donald I’s authoritarian regime or we shall struggle over the next 30-50 years to undo what he and his minions like Barr, Mnuchin, Bannon, Carson, Cavanaugh, Manafort, Flynn, etc. have wrought.  

In the final analysis, we cannot abrogate the rights of people just because they advocate a different political ideology, as much as we may take exception to it.  But, the question remains whether an attempt to overthrow a democratic government, or its laws, on the part of its leaders or by the abetting of its citizens, can simply be ignored.  In my estimation, it cannot -- we must protect and affirm our democratic values and system of governing by acting in ways that challenge the potential destroyers, reform certain laws and processes, and exalt our rights, freedoms and the rule of law.