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Undermining Democracy

“Undermine” – “to wear away at the base or foundation; to injure, weaken, or impair, especially by subtle, stealthy, or insidious means

Syn. “de-construct” – a non-word; see “destruction” – “the act or process of demolition or slaughter
We need to be perfectly clear about this: “de-construct” is a word created to avoid the use of another word, like “demolish’ ‘destroy,’ ‘decimate’ or ‘undermine.’

What or who might be undermining the United States of America?  It’s looking a great deal like the Republican Party and its reluctant head, Donald Trump, are the culprits (with the enthusiastic help of Vladimir Putin).  They seem to be following a game plan put together by the former special advisor to Trump, named Steve Bannon.  Although he is out of the White House now, he seems to be carrying out, and advising on, a Plan to de-construct the ‘administrative state.’
Looking at present circumstances, there are some elements that stand out as indicators of de-construction.  Here are some of the more important ones, in my opinion:    
1)     Attack government as the main problem confronting our society.
2)     On the other hand, be prepared to use government infrastructure as the means for destroying democratic principles
3)     Appoint people to run the departments of the federal government who are dedicated to the exact opposite of what their departments have demonstrated as their mission. Choose people who have little expertise for their jobs but who pledge absolute loyalty to the Executive.
4)     In tandem, attack civil rights and praise the accomplishments and behavior of authoritarian leaders of other countries
5)     Withdraw from multi-national agreements and trade associations, and engage only in bi-lateral agreements and treaties
6)     Conduct personal business using government structures and officials
7)     Use the military apparatus and weapons to threaten, impede and intimidate other countries
8)     Advocate and execute actions that divide people into winners and losers; good and bad; friends and enemies
9)     Ignore and eschew legislated laws and ethical standards
10) Denigrate individuals and groups that oppose or reveal truths about government corruption or unethical behavior
11) Conduct legislative functions by means of Executive Orders and informal press releases like Tweets
12) Appoint people to the Supreme Court and lower courts who will generally find a way to support all of the above
13) Lie, prevaricate, mislead, dissemble, and emphasize distractions from real issues
Most of the above have been addressed by this author in other posts, so let us focus on what may be too often overlooked or dismissed:
  • The inability of certain legislators to stand up and oppose unethical, illicit or illegal behavior of the Executive, or of their colleagues.  As we speak, there are sexual predators in the Congress who are known by other members and staff.  Still they remain anonymous because other members will not condemn them.  Why? Because they fear retribution?  Because they are too powerful to challenge? Because whistle-blowers could lose their jobs?  Or is the silence part of an unwritten pact between colleagues?  Probably all of the above.  But, the silence undoubtedly goes much deeper than that because male dominance in this society would be in danger if women were believed when they say they were sexually abused or harassed.  A change that fundamental could threaten the myth of male superiority, thus threatening a multitude of behaviors, myths, stereotypes and beliefs. Allow me to mention just a few:
    • Marriage as the ’giving’ of a female child by one man (the father) to another man (the groom), by which transaction a pattern of superiority, control or power is passed from one male to another.  It is a ritual that encompasses many social remnants of male dominance: the concepts of the wife “obeying” or of the male as “Head of household” remain in some marriage ceremonies.  However, such ancient symbols have also been removed by denominations or religions that have recognized their significance.
    • The taking of the husband’s name by the wife is a symbol that still prevails, although slightly challenged by a hyphen linking last names of both partners. 
    • The mythical concept of the woman victim as the one at fault in a case of sexual misconduct by a man is engrained in societal folklore to the extent that it pervades even our justice system. It is based on ancient myths, folklore and stereotypes that the woman is some sort of siren who entices a male by her “wiles” – which the dictionary defines as “a deceitful artifice” or a “beguiling or coquettish trick.”  Thereby, the woman accuser is made into some sort of magician or, more likely, a “witch” with a magical power that cannot be resisted by a man.  Her clothes, her appearance, her gestures, perhaps her words are made out to be seductive, and the resulting sexual encounter is therefore the ‘fault’ of the accuser.    
    • “His word against hers” is a false standard that gives the male the edge every time, as the stereotype of male power and superiority is automatically accepted by most people, including too many women jurors.  When some women defer to a husband by saying “my husband says” there is, indubitably, a hint of acceptance on the part of the wife that what her husband says carries more weight than what she might aver on her own.  Such ingrained acceptance of cultural norms or myths overarches gender, just as any bias can do.
Hopefully, these brief examples provide some insight into the power of the male dominance myth and societal norm.  The acceptance of a different scenario or standard – like calling out a U.S. Senator for unacceptable behavior toward women -  is a challenge not only to the male club in the Senate or the House, but also a challenge to all the biases and myths that keep male dominance in control of societal norms and behaviors.       
  • Another overlooked but important undermining of our constitutional principles is the inability of voters to withdraw their support of such behavior and policies.  Voters and non-voters are contributing in a big way to the destruction of our democracy. How?
    • Acceptance of lies and propaganda leads to a society that becomes unstable because it has no core – no center – on which citizens can depend.
    •  One of the most important building blocks of our democracy is ‘representation.’  And, representation is necessarily based on the foundation of trust.  Trust that the representative will care what happens to you.  Trust, that your representative will not only provide factual information, but that s/he will put principle above ideology or politics (“do what is right”).  Trust, that the Representative will make sure that constituents are not harmed by abusive or politically-motivated legislation.  Trust, that citizens will have every opportunity to be heard and to be taken seriously.  Trust, that the representative will act to keep his/her oath of office.  Trust that truth will be honored in all dealings with voters and constituents.              
    • Acceptance of unethical, immoral and anti-social behavior tends to infect the society, and bring about a milieu in which destructive behaviors and actions are more generally viewed as acceptable, leading to a society that is based on harm, hurt, competition, and violence rather than on caring, healing, opportunity and the building of a diverse but unified community.
“FBI: Hate crimes reached 5-year high in 2016, spiked around presidential election.  A new FBI report documents a five-year high in hate crimes, which trended upward shortly before and after President Trump won the election last year. The increase further confirms the explosion of bias incidents we documented in the wake of the election.” (SPLC)

    • Another building-block of democracy is, of course, elections.  Not only is it important to have honest, dedicated, competent candidates, it is also imperative to have a process that is fair, equal and open for voters of all persuasions and circumstances.  Restricting the voter franchise is a danger sign for our democracy and our society. In the current atmosphere, we are in imminent danger of this right being undermined and limited.  Acceptance of imposed restrictions, and acceptance of unequal access to the voting apparatus is another danger sign, not only for our democracy but for our entire society that has begun to accept authoritarian rule as the norm, and inequality as the result.
    •  Moreover, acceptance of inequality in terms of the weight given to different cohorts, individuals, or organizations is equivalent to cheating.  PACs, Super-PACs, and unrestricted inducements of private wealth are all threats to our democracy.  We cannot survive as a democracy under the current weighting of votes, buying of votes and restrictions on voters.
    • In addition, when Party ideology becomes all-important and trumps what is best for the country, and what is right for all, there arises a threat recognized at the very beginning of our country’s independent existence. President Washington spoke about this in his Farewell Address and minced no words.
“Washington recognizes that it is natural for people to organize and operate within groups such as political parties, but he also argues that every government has recognized political parties as an enemy and has sought to repress them because of their tendency to seek more power than other groups and to take revenge on political opponents.  He feels that disagreements between political parties weakens the government.

“...he makes the case that "the alternate domination" of one party over another and coinciding efforts to exact revenge upon their opponents have led to horrible atrocities, and "is itself a frightful despotism. But this leads at length to a more formal and permanent despotism."  

From Washington's perspective and judgment, political parties eventually and "gradually incline the minds of men to seek security... in the absolute power of an individual",] leading to despotism.  He acknowledges the fact that parties are sometimes beneficial in promoting liberty...but argues that political parties must be restrained in a popularly elected government because of their tendency to distract the government from their duties, create unfounded jealousies among groups and regions, raise false alarms among the people, promote riots and insurrection, and provide foreign nations and interests access to the government where they can impose their will upon the country.” (Wikipedia article)
The undermining (de-construction) of government is well underway, and is well down the road to destruction.  Fundamental re-building is imperative, but will be delayed until we return to the basics of our constitution and re-formulate the building-stones of our democracy.  It is not too late, but the current administration is intent upon creating a nightmare for activists, liberals, and progressives. First step: win offices on all levels -- local, county, state and national.  2018 is our chance to turn the tide, and 2020 is our chance for a major change of direction.