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The Worst Is Yet-to-Come!

Mounting scandals.  Ethical misbehavior. Corruption. Nepotism rampant. Money being scattered around by companies for access and pay-to-play. People unqualified for local dogcatcher nominated (and often approved) to head large and complicated agencies of government.  Torture is OK.  Unwarranted Death of Palestinians, innocent Black men and school children is all OK.  Evangelical Trump supporters all-too-willing to overlook adultery, lying, the worship of mammon and harmful treatment of human beings in need.  The swamp grows and grows because there are those willing to live in that environment. 

Leaks, strange tweets, and lies abound as part of a chaotic approach to governing.   As do attacks on individuals, the media, the FBI and the CIA, and now our closest Allies. 

Add to that something called the “turkey farm.”  It is reported that career civil servants are being assigned to that farm.  That is, they are being removed from meaningful jobs and placed in jobs that interns might do, in hopes that they will leave -- retire or just quit.  That’s right.  Not only is Trump isolating and diminishing the role of citizen advocacy councils, appeal boards and watchdogs, but he is now implementing one of the favorite moves of dictators – getting rid of civil service career people.  They know too much and want too much of that which Trump opposes. 

And then, there is the Budget.  Finally, perhaps, blue collar and misguided senior followers of this fascist-like leader, will begin to get their reward for supporting a man who ‘fakes’ his concern for his mainly right-wing “base voters.”  His true base is really the 1% of this country who are wealthy and powerful, not the nearly 40% of foolish followers who believe or pardon his lies (fact-checkers recently estimated that Trump tells at least 20 whopping lies within one hour!). 

So, you asked for it, Trumpsters – no Medicare for you; no food stamps (SNAP) for you; no Medicaid for you.  And here’s a sobering statistic: the people who most use government programs like the three just named are people in the working class and senior citizens who also mainly support this pretend President.  Just wait until you don’t qualify for Medicare, can’t get Medicaid from overburdened states, and your poor nutrition starts to require a better diet and more health care, not less.  YOU are going to be in a personal situation that has nothing but restriction, harm and hurt attached.  

Who will be able to help?  I guess you will find out rather quickly.  It is then you will recall who is benefiting from your difficulty – you will be left with the haunting truth -- those cuts in Medicare and Medicaid went toward funding the big tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires, and left you abandoned.

Remember, Trumpettes – you asked for this – it’s coming and sooner than you think.  Congress turned down a short-term Farm Bill recently, but you can still start waving good-by to your food cards (SNAP) because 80% of the funding in that bill is related to SNAP, which was not the issue around which the bill failed.  It will come back around.

So, let’s look again: cuts to food stamps that will affect many millions of people  over 10 years; cuts of $1.2 billion to Medicare and over a trillion dollars taken from Medicaid (over a decade) to fund a tax break for the richest among us; 35 million people left without any health care coverage;  plus an attack upon Social Security still pending.  And, there’s more coming.

You thought you bought a Champion for your concerns and needs.  What you got is a Chumpion who is despised around the Globe (and particularly by the G-7) and who is slowly, but surely, diminishing the unique position of our representative democracy in the world.  But mostly, you got an advocate for the rich and powerful, who will not ever support YOU against the (less than) 1% who already control and manipulate your lives and are acting right now – this moment – to change our whole economy to a robot-based efficiency that will make your job vulnerable to elimination, along with millions more.

The economy is great, you say.  Trump is already benefitting you by what’s happening in the stock market, and by his (miniscule) temporary tax cuts for the middle class, and some cheaper prices at stores and food markets, you say.  Oh Wow!  Tell that to the potato farmers in Idaho, former autol workers in Tennessee or the former employees of closed department stores (like Sears and J.C. Penney); ask those who can’t get loans or mortgages and have to depend on rentals.  Ask some of those farmers who are waiting for subsidies they may never see again.
Ask yourself – what happens if all those countries start retaliating against us with higher tariffs, cuts in certain items being shipped and boycotts of certain goods?  You start paying higher prices for food, clothing, shelter and everyday necessities. China alone could make your shopping a nightmare – just look at the labels on things you now buy.  If they say “made in China,” you could be seeing price increases for many of those items next time you shop!

And BTW, how’s your pension shaping up?  Don’t have one from your company or Union; or has it been reduced to a pittance?  Just how is a rich man’s economy going to get you through your retirement years?  Not only are you the recipient of attacks against the costs of American Labor, including the loss of private pension support and protection, you are the target of attacks of this regime against Social Security and Medicare. 

So, tell us please – how is your retirement shaping up?  Probably a lot like the over 60% who simply do not have enough retirement funds to meet their needs for 10-20 years beyond retirement. Attention! -- Seniors looking to retire – look around you.  Why are so many people in their 60’s and 70’s working at menial jobs in variety stores, fast food emporiums and other service jobs either part-time or full-time?  You may soon  find out for yourself if you don’t have enough set aside to cover your retirement needs.

And, maybe you haven’t heard, but drug prices and healthcare costs are going to eat you up if you or any one of your dependents become quite ill or develops a chronic condition.  Here’s how it really is. 

Say, your teenager develops cancer.  The usual treatments will cost you a large sum in co-pays and out-of-pocket costs; your insurance premiums will undoubtedly escalate, and then there are those costs that are uncovered by insurance companies.  With the attacks upon Obamacare and Medicaid also comes the fact that government subsidies are not available.  Oh! – and now there is talk of returning to the times when insurance companies will be able to  withhold coverage – or increase their costs – for pre-existing conditions and conditions that cost them a lot in payable benefits, so they cap the coverage.

And, don’t forget, if you have to pay for some treatments that are extra special, or experimental, or too new for insurance company attention, well let’s just say that to save a child’s life may cost you the equivalent of the rest of your life.  $50,000-$100,000-a-month is not unusual for such treatments.  For those who say this is a rarity, you may want to know that childhood cancers of extreme proportions are on the rise!

  • What else might you want to consider while the cyclical stock market and employment rate look so good to you?  Well, there is:

  •  that pesky problem of the national debt which will increase by tens of trillions of dollars because Trump, as usual, hasn’t planned for how to off-set those huge increases in your tax money flowing into the coffers of the rich and powerful.  Funny isn’t it that Republicans could find it so important to talk about during the Obama administration but seem now to have brushed aside the effects of their additions to the deficit and our national debt? 
  •  that problem of trade deficits and trade wars because of new tariffs: never mind the fact that our massive trading partners like Canada and the rest of our European allies are being alienated by He-who-would-be-King Trump.  They will push back….
  • that kingly complex seems to extend to more than just our best trade partners;  after all there is something called a global economy.  We don’t exist in a vacuum, and if Trump persists in his misadventures with other nations (particularly in Asia and the Middle East) we will be faced with a war economy that will limit everyone (except the monied few who will benefit from such a horrendous event). 
  •  and what is this policy of withdrawing from agreements like the Paris Accords and the G-7 conclusion, thus alienating and threatening not only the good-will of allied countries, but destroying partnerships, coalitions, and associations that are critical to world order?  Is he preparing this nation to accept a world disorder that includes Russia and countries with dictators?  Are you aware of what will happen to you and your family if there are no allies of strength and common values to work with us in times of world crisis, such as war, or humanitarian crises?  
  • and BTW – your support of Trump may become equivalent to supporting someone who gives “aid and comfort to our enemies” (Constitution’s definition of Treason); that makes you a co-conspirator (possibly a “traitor”), and how will that play in your hometown?
  • perhaps we should also stress what few will tell you:  we are on course to a future that is much different from the present, and it is impinging on us in the present.  I have written about it before, so check out my most recent Blog posting in May, because not preparing for a technological, robotic, and jobless future is a disaster in-the-making, and Trump doesn’t believe in preparation.
The question is: will you be better off when:
·        harmful and hurtful Trump budgets begin to take effect?
·        tax cuts for the rich have to be paid and you have to sacrifice to pay them?
·        alienation of many nations rebounds to raise our prices on imported goods?
·        the lack of adequate healthcare puts ordinary folks like you and me into bankruptcy?
·        you lose your children (our children) to unnecessary and illegitimate violence or wars?
·        You have to face cut-backs in food, clothing and every necessity to pay for the military might needed to defeat the enemy on multiple fronts (and no great coalition like NATO comes to our side to help)?
·        you can’t afford a house, a first or second car, your child’s healthcare, college education or your mother’s (or father’s) long-term care?
·        the list goes on forever, and the consequences will be felt most severely by those who follow without questioning or preparation!

It is indeed a travesty of our democratic system that this president practices policies and attitudes that harm, even abuse, children. How else can we interpret the treatment of immigrant children being separated from their parents and then detained in facilities from which legislators and press are barred?   Is this any different from a presidential budget that cuts or zeros out necessary programs for families by which tens of millions of vulnerable children are left without health care, housing, nutritional meals, public education, activities after-school, assistance for college attendance, or protection from physical and mental abuse?  See my Blog posting of 10/10/2017 and decide for yourself if Donald J. Trump  fits the definition of a child abuser!  And then, look around – is there a child with whom you are acquainted who is being harmed or hurt (abused) by Trump policies?  That child could be your child… and, what affects one will eventually affect all! 

The worst president in our history (according to many) is about to hand you consequences and problems that could devastate you and your family (as well as millions of other families).  And yet, because the stock market is up and unemployment down, you think you are living in Roseland?  Talk about being BAMBOOZLED! 

The consequences of a King Donald regime will show its real effects in your near future!   So, Trump-supporters – just keep on supporting this pretend president, and you will face the consequences just like the rest of us!  Don’t be fooled by this up-turn cycle in our economy (probably generated by Obama’s policies and actions, not just Trump's ascent to the oval office). 

The worst is yet to come, and your view of it will be from under a bus somewhere compliments of King Donald the Trump.