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Getting Back to Basics

Let us turn back to the last post on this Blog, titled: “Resistance, Insistence, Persistence = New Day Is Dawning!”  to recover what may have been left hanging. We discover there that the challenge and the call at the end of that post is all about turning some unfortunate legislation, attitudes, judicial decisions, and resultant policies  on their respective heads, so to speak, and perhaps to straighten-out other fundamentals of our system.

It is past time to re-claim our values and our foundational principles.  It will take another Declaration, not of Independence, but of Common Purpose.  And it will take a bolder spirit of reform and change than we have mustered to this point.  We must become the Vanguard of Truth, of Justice for all, of Equality and Opportunity - the front line, not just of resistance, but of INSISTENCE that our system has become encrusted with false values and with structures and institutions that are not in sync with a future that is impinging upon us at this moment. 
We have not been bold enough to make the changes that must be made to release our democratic values from the cage in which they  have been constrained, separated from their parental principles.  We must put People first, for that is what makes this country great.  We must resurrect our basic principles in new forms and structures that put people before profit.”

Along those lines, it is instructive to begin to look at some of our foundation principles, first in the Preamble to our Constitution and then within that document’s Articles and Amendments.  I will suggest some concepts and actions that might turn  present  belief and practice on its head and actually reverse the damage done to our guiding principles by a right-wing cabal of the SCOTUS and by the radical de-constructionists of the legislature.  Let me be clear that my proposals are meant to provoke reaction and discussion, which might lead to a better end product. I don’t believe like Trump that only I know the answers, solutions or processes for reform or change.  I do believe we all have something to contribute to the processes of reform and governance.  So, here are some of my (admittedly inadequate) prescriptions for the rejuvenation of a rapidly deteriorating system of governance. 

Let me add that the system we have fallen into (by both design and neglect) is not representative, is not justice-oriented, is not contractual, and is not based on the authority or the unity of its people. Most recently, it has become autocratic, racist, unequal and unjust,  pitting people, groups and organizations against one another rather than supporting a system working together toward common purposes and goals that benefit the greatest number of people. In reality, it appears that many of those purposes and goals have been undermined, even extinguished, not only by partisan politics, but by a set of principles that are neither democratic nor unifying; the so-called “principles” and ideology of Capitalism (see my broader discussion of this in the   4/15 /2017).  

The Mission of this government is not the welfare of the People, but the welfare (and control) by a very few people whose money and power have made us into an arm of business and a tool for protecting profit, prestige, power and privilege (see post for  6/3/2017).  The operation of this government is controlled by the special interests of oligarchs and plutocrats, not by the People.

I know as I write, that there are those  who believe such talk to be socialistic, or at most communistic, when it is far more democratic, reflecting not the autocratic socialism or communism of misguided leaders and countries like Russia and China where democratic principles were distorted to enable dictatorial control of all aspects of life. The “brainwashing” of the citizens of this Republic over the last century has been so successful that now too many of our population cannot recognize democratic values.  They have been “taught” that emphasis on people’s rights, liberties and well-being are socialist and communist ideals.  They think that any good far-reaching program of government, like Head Start or Medicaid or even Social Security, are socialist or communist or at least government give-away-programs. 

And just where are they getting those ideas? From the very people who want to use government to their own ends; who want to control your thoughts and your desires and your shopping lists; who now have access to your interests through the internet, so they can stream just the ‘right’ recommendations of purchases into your consciousness. And it’s so subtle, you don’t even recognize that this is an autocratic use of mind-control.  By subtle and overt mind control techniques, many citizens are convinced that healthcare provided by government as a right, not a privilege, is a socialist plot.  And, all this time, the real perverters of democratic principles and values have been manipulating our brains to support their profit motives, thereby giving up democratic values to support the distorted principle of privilege for the few rather than insured well-being for the many. 

The Preamble to the Constitution puts forth what might be termed ‘motivations’ for the production of the document, or what we might refer to these days as the underlying purposes of the Constitution: to establish Justice, ensure Domestic Tranquility, to provide for the Common Defense, promote the General Welfare and secure the blessings of Liberty to ourselves and to our prosperity.  We have seen under the Trump regime a much different approach to the purposes of our form of government and its principles. 

We have seen the institution of authoritarian principles and behaviors that have contributed to the undermining of our democratic and representative government.  We should refer briefly to a few examples of late that relate to what most would-be tyrants usually practice.

1)     incessant propaganda is a necessity for focusing on the leader, and for keeping a base of people uninformed and loyal.  The Big Lie technique is a must for this to be effective.  The Trump administration is now beyond expert at this technique.
2)     establish a full stable of scapegoats early on; and the Trump regime has done so quite successfully: Islamists, Mexicans, the poor and unhealthy or disabled, along   with intelligence and FBI agents,  and the “fake news” purveyors -- the press; all of whom are somehow weak, inadequate, dangerous or criminals.
3)     continually castigate the opposition; perhaps attacks on former President Obama are the most disturbing example among many
4)     destroy trust in government and its leaders:  this ranges from imbecilic appointees to naming people to departments they despise, to de-regulation; to destruction of consumer advocacy boards to the destruction of government experts and knowledgeable civil servants who have served honorably and well for years; attacks on government worker unions; delay in filling key positions, and on and on. 
5)     projecting an image of fervent patriotism (NFL taking a knee – Trump still making big fuss) and avid militarism – nothing like a President who bows down to a Russian dictator/killer but who tells North Korea’s leader and the dictator of Iran that they face exceedingly violent events.
6)     using and abusing the electoral process to gain complete control of government machinery and thus the ability to block opposition from successful vote-getting: restrictive IDs, closing Election Bureau offices, changing poll locations, voter rolls purged; plus, gerrymandering of districts are but the tip of the iceberg as Trump regime wars against the vote for “undesirables”
7)      using every aspect (institution) of society one can to cement an authoritarian advantage: religion, the courts, budgets, hate groups, children (at southern border). 

Having explored what may only be the tip of the iceberg, let us turn to what needs to be turned upside-down to rebuild our democracy that has begun to be de-constructed by this destructive regime.

As so many of you know, several of the problems facing us are the result of political ideology,  and party politics that tend to put everything into an ethos of control and power. In the  process of setting policy and operational mechanisms, that ethos comes to the fore and makes us aware that false ideology translates to:

·       politicians who ignore the opinion of the voters on many major issues such as comprehensive background checks on gun sales
·       representation often interpreted by office-holders as loyalty to their big donors, their lobbyists and lawyers; or to those who are the richest -1% among us
·        believing that winning election and re-election is more important than standing up for what is right for the other 99% of the people
·       supporting (and being captured by) a president who believes his way is the only way, and his status is all that matters
·       being willing to pass legislation without any great outcome for the People, but that actually brings harm to children, seniors and those challenged by disabilities
·       the undermining of the great truths and fundamentals that support and energize our form of  government

And so, a few thoughts on ways to return us to some of our most important basic values in order to place the People in the midst of the action, rather than on the periphery where politicians and aristocrats (Plutocrats) seeking power, status and privilege most like to see us!  In other words, here are some ways  to set the up-set governance system on its feet ready to confront the falsity and harmfulness of our current de-constructed system.

1.     We must take seriously the 9th and 10th Amendments that refer to rights ‘retained’, and powers ‘reserved’ to the People.  Problem is, politicians have basically ignored the enumeration of such rights and powers.  Why?  Because the more powers reserved to the People, the fewer they will retain as politicians.  Yet, this is exactly the correction, the balance, the check that we need right now – the meaningful involvement of the People in their own government’s programs and structures. Let me be bold enough to suggest a few radical changes (‘powers’) not delegated to the United States or to the states”:

a.     Ordinary people need to be on the inside of government structures giving advice and input on a continuous basis, primarily because our ‘representative’ democracy was formulated at a time when education was neither mandatory nor publicly funded.  Most young people were needed more as wage-earners than as students.  “Even as late as 1860, there were only 300 public schools, as compared to 6,000 private academies.”  (Richard C. Wade, et. al., A History of the United States with Selected Readings, Vol. I  p. 398).  In stark contrast, today, a large portion of the population have graduated from high school and college. Many graduates are likely to know more about some subjects, including governance, than the representatives they vote into office. 

This concept might be implemented in the form of advisory councils, commissions, or committees, etc.  Since there is nothing in the Constitution to prevent this, nor anything beyond advice and consent granted the Congress in specific circumstances, the ability to provide advice on a broader scale should not be precluded. Thus, I propose that Congress pass legislation requiring  all major offices and office-holders to have an advisory component, made up of both elected and appointed ordinary citizens from diverse backgrounds.  They must be provided the regular opportunity to propose legislation, regulations, social policy and organizational structures.  They could also be called upon to advise in any area that affects the general welfare of the People.   [see July 21, 2014 post for more detail]

b.      My second proposal revolves around citizen or consumer advocacy: that ordinary citizens be appointed to Inspector General offices to take part in evaluation and assessment of government offices in terms of meeting goals, carrying out mandates, spending budgets effectively and efficiently, and obeying regulations and laws as applied to consumer needs and necessities [see post of   05/02/2018 for discussion of attack on consumer advocacy, and above post for more detail on concept.]

c.      My third proposal revolves around two extremely important amendments to the Constitution: the first, to allow for a route of amendment by the people and not by the Congress; the second, to overturn the incompetent decision in Citizens United that allowed political bribery by corporations under the guise of the First Amendment right to free speech.  This is the prime example of a Supreme Court captured by a right-wing ideology that invites and allows corporations to control our most sacred democratic right to vote in elections free from special interests, monetary influence and control. Until this is overturned, we can not expect to have fair elections.  The Amendment must include a statement to the effect that “corporate entities are not individuals entitled to the rights granted to individual persons by this Constitution.  Further, it shall be unlawful for corporate entities  to attempt in any way to acquire or to abrogate the rights allotted to any individual by this Constitution.”   [please see March 26, 2014 post as well as 6/20/2010 for all proposed amendments]

d.     My final proposal in this category concerns the all-important freedom to vote as one’s conscience dictates, and to have that vote counted directly for the individual chosen to receive that vote.  The existence of the Electoral College is an abomination because it weights the votes of one state (or even a few districts) against those of another and interferes with the direct election of a person by the electorate, as in 2016.

The Electoral College was established as a means of the ruling class being a check upon the underclass.  The richer, more educated colonialists feared uprisings of the poor (and others) as did their forbearers in England and other European nations.  They wanted above all, to preserve their way of life, but also did not want to subject their new Republic to an unruly mob that might destroy its uniqueness.  Unfortunately, that tool of the rich colonialists used to preserve their lives and the life of democracy (or so they thought) has become a modern tool of the rich and powerful by which to destroy the ideal of one man-one vote and a means by which to keep the power they have accumulated and the profits they refuse to share.

That is enough for now.  But, we shall return to this examination of our principles in the Constitution in light of a new generation looking again at what they have inherited.  [more detail and overview available at post for March 23, 2014].

However, it is necessary to close with one more thought that few seem to address these days.  It is this:  the business of government is not Business, nor the aggrandizement of millionaires and billionaires.  Nor is it the business of government to increase the profit-taking and tax-avoiding strategies of Business.  Government, according to the Constitution’s Preamble, should be concerned about business and people under the purposes of establishing Justice, insuring Domestic Tranquility, providing for the Common Defense, promoting the General Welfare and securing “the blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity.”  
Nowhere in the Preamble or in the Constitution itself are any direct references made to “promoting the special interests of Trade, Commerce or Big Business” – it doesn’t even mention small businesses!  What the Constitution does mention more than once is the regulation of Trade and Commerce by government, as in Article I, sec. 8:  The Congress shall have power “to Regulate Commerce with Foreign Nations, and among the several states, and with the Indian Tribes…”  and the power “To coin money” and “regulate the value thereof…”  No mention of promoting profit-making or of colluding with wealthy businessmen to fix prices, wages or pensions; no mention of “free trade’ or the ‘free market” or any other invented euphemism for “unregulated”.  
The only endeavor the Congress is called to promote is one that the Trump administration has endeavored to disenfranchise from public support, i.e.” the progress of Science and useful Arts”.

I submit to you this half-joking/ half serious thought: let’s give Business what they clamor for --- let’s give them a free market, in which there are no regulations except those needed to preserve life and liberty for the rest of us.  Let them operate freely without tax breaks, rebates or subsidies.  Let them be at the whim of the open market – no tariffs or taxes on foreign goods.  Let them operate entirely independent of government help in the Tax Code as well as all deregulation that can be granted without harm to others.  Let us see what matters in that ‘free market’ that is entirely unreal.

On the serious side: LET US BEGIN TO DIVEST OURSELVES of the control of this democracy by business interests. We are operating the government of, by and for the People as though the values of Capitalism are democratic values worthy of promoting and protecting, instead of regulating them. 

We continue to consult Business leaders rather than ordinary people;  we allow businesses to pay for expensive lobbyists to hog the government’s time, its money and its attention.  It is past time to declare our independence from the control of these corporate entities and to resurrect the people’s needs and opinions as our primary concern in the public sector.  More to come….