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Racism Emerges Full-Blown with Moral Numbness Close Behind

Well! Well! Well! Donald Trump is a Bigot and a Racist!  The standard media got that about right.  As often happens, they missed a few points that I will be glad to illuminate. 

1)     The Rev. Al Sharpton on MSNBC brought some things into proper perspective as he carefully explained the difference between the two descriptive words.  Being a bigot goes to the heart of the biases that are formed in the core of a human being.  Some of it may be embossed on one’s RNA, but mostly are taken in from one’s life experiences, milieu, relationships and philosophical interpretations as well as the values that others demonstrate, illustrate or force upon us.

Being biased is simply a part of one’s make-up.  It has to do with your values, your morality, your beliefs, the myths that have invaded your brain and the perceptions that affect your thinking and your living.  You can be biased about almost anything that exists in the realm of human life and relationships.  You can be positively biased toward a particular religion but to be bigoted, you must also demean and denigrate every other religion based on a kind of superiority that you find in your chosen religion.  You can be negatively biased about left-handed people.  To be a bigot, you would have to find one particular negative characteristic about a few left-handers, make that into a stereotypical characteristic of all left-handers by applying it across the board to all who are left-handed in your interactions or experiences.  You can be biased toward your own race if you so choose (and truth be told, most of us probably are), but you become a racial bigot when you demean and denigrate every other race; when you express hatred in thought word or deed toward those of other races, or when you apply stereotypes to those of other races that tend to demean, disgrace and diminish those persons and their race.

Bias = 'a mental leaning or inclination; partiality; prejudice; bent'
Bigot = 'a person who holds blindly and intolerantly to a particular creed, opinion, etc.;' bigotry also involves behavior that moves beyond belief to words and/or actions of intolerance.

This leaves us with trying to clarify the definition and description of a Racist.  The simple answer is – Donald Trump! 

How can I say such a thing?  Because Donald Trump pushes his biases and bigotry into policy, programs, government departments and offices, and into certain institutions, such as churches, the military and into public education.  From his words and treatment of Mexican and Muslim emigres to his latest in-meeting remarks that included demeaning of African countries as s***holes, to his contrasting remarks about allowing more immigrants from Norway, this is who should appear in a photo next to the definition of
RACISM = any program or practice of racial discrimination, segregation, etc. based on ‘racialism’

RACIALISM = “a doctrine or teaching…that claims to find racial differences in character, intelligence, etc.; that asserts the superiority of one race over another or others; and that seeks to maintain the supposed purity of one race...”

(2)  The second point missed by (or avoided by) most of the mainstream media is that this event of expressed racism is related to a much scarier philosophy and strategy.  Let me put it this way:  Donald Trump uses his racism like he uses everything else: to advance himself as the Leader  (Fuhrer).  Let me be quite clear:  racist words, concepts and actions are one more strategy in his quest to de-construct the federal government, and to make it over into a fascist-style state.  Let it be shouted from the housetops if need be – DONALD TRUMP SPOUTS FASCIST IDEOLOGY and he seeks to remake the federal government into a fascist state that will be under his tyrannical control.

(3)  The final point that needs to be made is that another effect of what Donald Trump is doing – perhaps one of the more important outcomes of tactics that the Nazis were able to use to their advantage in grabbing power in Germany of the 1930s -- is writ large: “MORAL NUMBNESS.” 

We are approaching a very dangerous intersection on our journey as a multi-ethnic/racially diverse/immigrant nation.  We are experiencing a radical turn toward a racially superior/radically white nationalistic/morally depleted government; we are on the brink of take-over by non-democrats.  The fragile Republic established a mere 240 years ago is falling apart, being torn asunder by political sycophants, corporate tyrants, and little men in white robes or faux militaristic uniforms who have little or no regard for democratic values like equal and fair justice for all, freedom of the Press, or the welfare of all the people, particularly for those who face special challenges. 

Their basic values are not democratic; not progressive; not concerned with equality, and not necessarily based on a humane moral system or code of ethics.  They are much attuned to a philosophy and to behaviors that promote control, power, superiority, their personal well-being and the unquestioning loyalty of their followers/employees/citizens.  Under Donald Trump, we are rapidly moving away from our founding principles and embracing (or becoming numb to) the fascist nature of the new administration.  And because we are not learning from history, we are frighteningly unaware of the consequences of a regime dedicated to fascist values. 

Therefore, let us take a short detour to enumerate, and briefly comment on, the 14 elements that are said to characterize fascist governments, as suggested in an article by Lawrence Britt, and based on an earlier work by Umberto Eco.; after which, we can return to the subject of moral numbness.  While this article has been criticized by some scholars, it seems to be a reasonable list of elements found in fascist regimes of Hitler (Germany), Mussolini (Italy), Franco (Spain), Suharto (Indonesia) and several Latin American regimes; these 14 defining characteristics seem common to each:

Powerful and continuing nationalism [“America First”; make America Great Again; “stand up” to other countries; withdraw from Agreements and pacts that are ‘unfair’ to America; threaten others with the ‘biggest button” (nuclear war); the cult of a ‘supreme leader’ (like he who says – “I am the only one who can do this”) -- is often an integral part of this characteristic for the two go hand-in-glove]

Disdain for human rights [denounce the media constantly; ‘fake news’; ‘alternative facts;’ thereby eroding citizen trust and their confidence in freedom of press; denigrate people who disagree and find ways to penalize them; deport whole groups (DACA); restrict voting by certain groups and deny vote to others (felons); hold certain people without trial or charges; try to stop publication and distribution of recent negative book about him called “Fire and Fury.”]  

Identifying scapegoats [ban immigration from Muslim countries; make Mexicans into illegals and criminals; question judge’s ability to be fair because he is Hispanic; denigrate women especially those who charge President with sexual assault; homosexuals; individuals who are transgender; NFL players who kneel for anthem or pledge of allegiance]

Military supremacy [ludicrous increases in spending on troops and weapons; making threats against N. Korea and other countries; war against ISIS – bombing indiscriminately – especially in Syria; generals elevated to cabinet & WH positions; wars continued in Iraq and Afghanistan] 

Rampant Sexism [nine women have come forward to make charges against the president; the Access Hollywood tapes and signed Orders removing protections for women in relation to sexual harassment, access to healthcare coverage and to special preventative measures; restrictions on service in the military of persons who happen to be lesbian or transgender; assault upon abortion choice as a right; his support of Roy Moore for Senator from Alabama; stories of harassment of women at his own beauty pageant]

Control of mass media [exclude certain media representatives; limit press attendance at important events; trash particular media people; threaten to disapprove owner licenses; do not hold press conferences; use an alternative method such as Twitter for most communication; pick reporters from other countries to be the only media covering a major event; attempt to stop stories from being published or aired; use media to own advantage – plant stories; mislead and lie, lie, lie]

Obsession with national security [his obsession with crime perpetrated by immigrants once they arrive in this country, strangely obviated by his non-obsession with Russian interference in the 2016 election process; the building of a Wall on our Mexican border; his military build-up]

Religion and government intertwined [executive order opening religious communities to greater ability to be involved in political issues and to receive government grants; pushing private schools receiving public funds (many of them associated with a particular denomination or religion); support for pro-life attempts to destroy access to abortion]

Business interests protected [although there are several examples, the mention of the Tax Code bill’s passage should be enough to illustrate the depth of importance given to business interests; however, there is always regulatory reduction and the removal of healthcare mandates]

Labor power suppressed [support of right-to-work states; attacks on bargaining rights; opposition to minimum wage increase; and laws that prevent unions from striking; appointment of Labor Department head who was anti-union along with the pro-business slant of most cabinet members]

Disdain for the arts [look at the budgets he’s presented or supported: cuts in public radio; first of modern presidents to not attend Kennedy Center Honors presentations; no state dinners; presidential medal of honor – few and far between; offended his own arts commission so that all members withdrew]

Obsession with crime and punishment [Since Donald Trump took office early last year he has signed a long and ever-growing list of executive orders, hoping to fulfill many his campaign promises.  "Task Force on Crime Reduction and Public Safety" -- Signed: Feb. 9, 2017.  The order directs Attorney General Jeff Sessions to create a task force that would propose new legislation to reduce crime, highlighting drug trafficking, illegal immigration and violent crime. The task force will submit yearly reports to the president.  Throughout the campaign, Trump promised voters a return to "law and order" in the United States and said minorities from inner cities are "living in hell" because of violent crime]

Rabid cronyism and corruption [cronyism is evident with all the Wall-Streeters and millionaires in his cabinet; but it is his family ensconced in WH operation that is the worst; corruption is constantly uncovered in acts by department heads and other members of this administration]

Fraudulent Elections [from requiring IDs to claiming  rampant voter fraud, Trump makes the point himself that election system is broken, but it is not what Trump says; it is caused by corrupt politicians who want nothing more than to remain in a job where they can collect taxpayer and big business and local developer pay-offs without fear of retribution; Trump himself has turned Trump Towers and Mar-A-Lago into money-making machines dependent on his celebrity] 

And, here’s the rub:  Trump may not have (or be capable of instituting) a well-thought-out Plan to make us over into a Fascist country, but he is already acting upon his internalized values, beliefs and experiences that drive his actions, as they have always done.   Denying the existence and danger of that poisonous strain in him is a fatal flaw that has left too many other countries like ours corrupted, overtaken and devastated in the wake of authoritarians who acted upon their fascist beliefs, myths and biases, while the bulk of the citizenry (and too many in the media) lived in constant denial of that possibility. 

Let us then return to that subject of moral numbness.  Evangelical Christians who supported Trump seem unable to recognize his fascist tendencies and continue to support him without any acknowledgment of his immoral and inhumane budgets, or his growing idolatry (worshipping money (profit) rather than their God).  Perhaps they have also become numb to (his and) their own unethical and unconstitutional attempt to force Evangelical Christian doctrine upon other citizens in regard to personal health-related decisions (such as abortion).  Evangelicals still attending Trump rallies or events may well demonstrate a moral numbness that cannot be over-looked.

However, the moral numbness that we should most abhor and fear has been clearly demonstrated by the Republican Senators and Congressmen who have failed to put country before party when Trump says or acts upon his fascist and racist tendencies.  The very fact that current and former White House staff, cabinet secretaries, and members of Congress ignore, hide from, and obfuscate by loss of memory or just plain lies whenever Trump behaves in a white supremacist, racist manner is evidence enough for me that we are fast approaching that time when our government could be overthrown and become immersed in its own Nazi-like nightmares. 

We cannot let this moral numbness advance any further.  That’s what many German citizens did in their Nazi era and they are still carrying the awful burdens of their Nazi past, just as we as a nation carry within our institutions and our social behavior the awful effects of forced slavery of one race of people.  Moral numbness is the straw that will break democracy’s back in our nation. 

Do not be numb to the fact that the 14 characteristics of fascist governments are all being fulfilled; do not be quiet when propaganda, lies and non-democratic values are being pushed upon you.  Demand public response from your Representatives in public office; support a statement of censure of the President from Congress.  Most of all, make sure that morally numb Republicans (and Democrats) are driven from office in 2018 and 2020.  Resist fascist values in the social, religious, corporate and political spheres, demand moral budgets and ethical government, and please VOTE, VOTE, VOTE!